Moved one hive to my house

Started by Greg Peck, July 07, 2007, 01:25:39 PM

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Greg Peck

I finally got permission from my wife to move one of my hives to our house. I contacted my neighbor and he was fine and somewhat excited about having a hive there. I contacted the local code enforcement officer to see if it was ok and he told me that he could not find anything wrong with having honey bees in Harrisburg Pa. but he cautioned that if they become a public nuisance  that they would have to go. I put up a small fence around the hive to keep the neighbor hood kids from messing with it or a small child from getting too close. I moved my smallest hive last weekend and set it up beside the house. Unfortunately right were I put the hive it did not get much sun. So today I moved it about 2 feet away from the house and it gets full sun in the morning for about an hour then partial sun from the afternoon. Now I dont have to drive to my apiary to watch the bees I can just walk outside.

I have a question regarding how close an obstacle would have to be to the hive entrance before the bees would get angry off. Where the hive was first they had a good 10 feet between them and the fence I put up, they did not have any problem taking off or landing. Now the hive is about 5 feet from the fence I turned it about 45 degrees to give them the maximum flight path in front of the hive. The bees seem to come straight out of the hive then almost hit the fence before shooting straight up a few feet then taking off again. The bees returning come flying in and over shoot the hive then swing back around and go in. I think some of this may be because I just moved them and the ones taking off are used to just flying straight out, and the ones retuning are used to going to the old hive location. If this is the case then I dont think I have a problem as they will fix them selves but if the fence is to close then I might have to move them back.

Any input with this problem would be appreciated.


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"Your fire arms are useless against them" - Chris Farley in Tommy Boy
Semper Fi


"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison


I have my hives as close as that to a similar chain link fence, if you had turned your hive to face the one I see in the picture, and they have no problem.

Kids from the street will still see your hive, and your fence won't prevent rocks from being thrown, if they're so disposed. Maybe a nice bush or two on the street side of the fence would be good to add a little concealment. :)
"The mouth of a perfectly contented man is filled with beer." - Egyptian Proverb, 2200 BC

Greg Peck

Thanks for the replies.

Moonshae, The hive in the photo has already been turned. i.e. the photo is the current set up. They are doing a lot better tonight so hopefully they will be fine.

"Your fire arms are useless against them" - Chris Farley in Tommy Boy
Semper Fi


Be better than an airport once they get their flight path oreinted.
They would even clear a solid fence that close.


Our fence is closer than that and it is not a problem.  Of course, if your girls are like the politicians in Harrisburg... :roll:


I currently have 4 at my house within city limits and am getting ready to put a fifth one here as I am ready to make some splits. I haven't had any trouble with the neighborhood kids messing with them, but a have a guard dog, (three actually, but only one does the guarding the other two would help you pack the hives off if they hought they where going to get petted out of the deal :roll:) to keep them away from the really well so far.
Sugarbush Bees


Hey Greg, I have 4 hives in my back yard. Its so nice and theraputic to have bees right out your back door. Sometimes I have more back there, its kind of my incubation spot for hives that need a little tlc or if I've had a long day and couldn't make it to the beeyard, I 'll set them up temporarily, and move them when its conveniant for me. I give my surrounding neighbors honey and they are ok with the set up. So enjoy that hive right at your house and add another two or three, you'll be glad ya did. Oh, I did construct an 8' wooden fence behind the hives to keep their flight paths high and it works.
My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

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My hives that are located away from my house do better. I over manage the one at home. My solution is to get more hives at home so I can dilute those management skills!  Steve
Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resembalance to the first. - Ronald Reagan


Not too much in overmanaging if you only walk by a doz. times a day like I do.
I have all 8 of mine within 200 to 300 ft of my house.
Ofcourse, I am 17 miles from the closest town.
10 miles from the closest other Bee Keeper.
aaalll by myself.