New comb = higher water content?

Started by limyw, July 15, 2007, 12:40:51 PM

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I replaced all my old combs with new two months ago, and now is time for harvesting. Unfortunately honey extracted were all found 'waterly', I guest at least 25% or more, although I had purposely let them alomost cappped all. Any explanation for this?


By any chance had you been feeding this hive?
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ummm, some say at least 1/3 has to be capped, others swear on 1/2. while some just lay it horizontaly and shake, if honey isn't falling out it's ok.
i persume you didn't go by any of this rule, did you?


If you hold a frame up side ways where it will run out of the cells.
If it does "don't" extract. If in doubt, wait till it is all capped.
New foundation or comb has nothing to do with water content.


No feeding. As I said, I had left them almost fully capped and only I extract. Obviously the honey are found much much thinner than honey taken from old comb. Forgot to remind that here has higher air moisture compared to western country. But I doubt this has much to do with it.


a beek from here once said, he had such strong flow, the bees capped nectar-to prevent it from going bad, and that they would uncap it and cure it later. maybe this is what happened to you.