2 Deep Brood vs. 1 Deep

Started by nc_beekeeper, July 16, 2007, 02:31:45 PM

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Hello from NC.  Just getting into beekeeping and have been doing lots of reading and listening.  I've noticed lots of talk about 2 Deep brood chambers but seems every beeyard I see around here is only sporting a 1 Deep brood. I bought 4 nucs and 2 packages this year and have them setup on a 1 deep brood. I've talked to a lot of long time keepers here and they say that a 2 deep is not necessary.  I've been toying with the idea of at least trying a 1 deep and 1 medium brood on a couple hives.  Thoughts?


If your winters are mild 1 deep may be fine. Up here n the MidAtlantic States and further north 2 deeps are standard.


  Sounds a bit underpopulated especially for your nucs.  It's really up to your bees. Around here everyone who uses deeps has at least 2 on now and in some cases even an additional medium for brood. Last year even my packages all had 4 mediums ( = 2 deeps) on by mid july. How full are your deeps? Do you have supers on?


Sorry I didn't clarify.  I moved my 4 nucs into full deeps as soon as they started hurting for room.  I didn't get them till mid-June so they got kind of a late start but as of now all my hives have 2 supers nearly full and I just stuck a 3rd super on one yesterday.


I couldn't imagine my bees surviving the winter without an extra deep for storage, but you're a lot farther south than I am. :)
"The mouth of a perfectly contented man is filled with beer." - Egyptian Proverb, 2200 BC


I use two deeps most times. Most of my colonies are large enough to fill one deep with just the bees.
I try to go into winter with the second full of stores, on top.
I will rotate on my first or second inspection, if the queen and brood is on top. At this time I can clean the bottom board and/ or replace it if needed.
This is part of swarm prevention. If I have to I will rotate again around the 1st to 15th of april.
I may split at this time, or add a third deep, depending the population build up.
For those in the north, "don't" think about wintering with one deep, unless you have two or three mediums of stores.
For those in the south, don't forget,  with mild winters the bees take a lot of stores because they fly a lot when 50 degrees and above.
From the first of Feb, till the First of April, it is easy to loose a colony to starvation in the South.
Been there, done that.

It is best not to use someone elses Practices. In starting out. Experment and do what you and your bees do best with.
Best advice I can give.


2 Deeps in the southern half of NJ  :)

Michael Bush

Most beekeepers in your part of the country run a deep and a shallow.  Two mediums would be close and then you could interchange frames between them.  Three would give them more room for brood.

My website:  bushfarms.com/bees.htm en espanol: bushfarms.com/es_bees.htm  auf deutsche: bushfarms.com/de_bees.htm  em portugues:  bushfarms.com/pt_bees.htm
My book:  ThePracticalBeekeeper.com
"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin


arkansas, we run 1 deep and no excluders down here and do great, let the bees decide how far up they need to be :-P