ESP and cats

Started by abejaruco, July 26, 2007, 03:58:04 AM

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I read this news in a spanish newspaper, and I have found this link.

I love the cats, but I don´t want a ESPecial cat like that.


This the same one?

I think that it is actually that the people are finally weak enough so that the cat can steal the last remainders of the person's life.  Sensing death?  No, I'd say causing it!  That's how cats are, y'know....they aren't born with 9 lives...



If asked if I believed that cats have ESP - there is no doubt in my mind they do - only problem is they have small brains to process it with. If we had the perception of cats, we would be a very BELIEVING SOCIETY when it came to ESP, and frankly learn that we are indeed a conscious creature with free-will living in a physical body. I hope out conscious though lives on and becomes PART of something GREATER. In order to be temped by flesh, he had to put our concious beings insode a physical body - so it could be temped. The conciousness itself needs no stimuli, where the body can rarely get enough - we all crave something that is bad for us - I like some pretty fatty foods - lol.

We'd all have ESP, and some "better than" others - many with a God given gift now to see things clearly. I have real mixed feelings weither I wanted ESP or Ghost Whispers Powers, would I really want THAT kind of insight to things - probably not, unless I could control it, I hate dream sequences.

I don't know about Cats being SOUL EATERS - I don't think that is part of a cats mission in life, they mostly eat, sleep and poop. But why do 3 cats stare directly at the same spot on the wall at different times? They've looked there for years and still stop to have a look.

OF COURSE ESP is REAL - it is a matter of how well we accept it as an actual SENSE like, touch, taste, hear, sight and smell. If we tought children they have a six and even seventh sense that shouldn't be hid from the child - I often wonder is really happening when they play with and talk to imaginary friends. How imaginary are they? The ones that scare me is when a kid is talking on a toy phone, and holding a really believable conversation - that creeps me out to no end. I swear some evil entity is telling the child to "leave the sizzors at the bottom of the step" to stage my untimely death to look like a suicide - lol. I hate toy phones, I'll never answer on if it's ringing  :'(  especially the one that's under my bed  :evil:

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