Not sure what I'm looking at

Started by Kent J, July 26, 2007, 03:11:17 PM

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Kent J

I first must say thank you for your patience. Being a newbee I know I must be asking a redundant question. I have searched forums and books but nothing describes what I saw the other day.

Here's the scene 78* degrees, humid, light rain.  Last week has been high 70-mid 80.  SE Michigan weather.  Hive is two deep boxes.  Bottom in full of brood/honey top is 75% full honey.   On the approach of my hive I noticed three clusters/ball of bees, ranging in size from a raquetball to tennis ball in size. The balls are calm and are not balled onto anything ie  queen, enemy, or foriegn object. 

My only handling of the hive was to remove the top and add an excluder and a short super and close it up again.  When I started to do my work the balls quickly and calmy despersed. The bees then either went inside the hive or camly flew away.  None of the bees seemed to have any pollen on them.

So If you can help me out let me know.   

Thanks again..........Kent J


afternoon right?
bees like to work, in the afternoon when there's nothing to do, they just like to hang out.
if they were inside, the hive would get too hot. nothing abnormal about it.


It sounds like the hive is congested and they were like Mici said, hanging outside to keep the hive cool.  If your second deep is honey than you should not need an excluder on top of that box. The honey should keep the queen down and out of your super.  You might want to think about giving them some more room.