Source for Queens

Started by Rotomobees, August 16, 2007, 10:21:36 AM

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I've been out of the hobby for many years (25), and I'm in need of a source for mated queens. There are none available locally (Utah). Any suggestions for a reliable supplier would be appreciated.


Stayer's Queens, Palo Cedro, Ca.  530 547-4963. They have italians. 


you can also contact Michael Bush from this forum.  He raises queens.
God Bless all the troops
Semper Fi Marines!


KONA Queens out of Hawaii is great


Brian D. Bray

Try Wilderness Apiary in Port Angeles, Washington.  He has SMR Russian survivor stock.  i bought 2 and am well pleased.  He next dayed them.  They are good cold weather bees for wintering.
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I got three Purvis Brother's queens July 8th and they wnet from a nuc to a deep and a medium as of last week. I inspected and could find zero mites so far. They fly in rain, early and into early evening as well. They are docile too. So far I am very pleaseed w/ the limited experience so far. I have also noticed they are very hygenic. After inspection, they remove the dead soldiers while I'm still inspecting. They also carry the dead far away as compared to my Minn hygenics which just dump it out the door and take a day or so to clean up after an inspection. Look forward to see if they are good honey makers come the spring.
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