Visit from Bee Inspector

Started by leominsterbeeman, July 22, 2004, 11:31:10 AM

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I was traveling this week when my wife called and told me , '"The State bee inspector was here and  he said, 'I have to check the hive for hive beetle.  Some packages from down south came up with hive beetles and
mites.'  So I told him where the hives were."  They are about 2 miles from the house.

So while this was going on,  I was picturing someone picking through my hives, and making judgements about my Apiary management skills.  I was feeling kind of "violated".        :x  

So when I got home, I went up to my hives and retrieved the report that the inspector left for me.

No Hive Beetle found, varroa in small amounts.  hives strong and with adequate food stores.  All other disease tests were negative.   :D   This made me feel better and less violated.


Well, at least you HAVE an inspector...  We don't have one although I wish we did -- helps to keep everyone healthy and safe!

michael l burnett

mites are illegal aliens


Here in the UK our bee inspectors seem very friendly, and full of advice, mine marked a queen for me, in a hive in which I'd never seen her!

They are providing a service to beekeepers, not just as inspectors, but will come out and check at short notice, I know two beginners call them about foulbrood, when in fact it was chilled brood, and they came next day.

They also spend a lot of time educating us, showing us IPM and other techniuqes, and providing advice and talks at any bee shows, or organised events.

I'm attending an "IPM/Disease Control" day, at a commercial beefarm, with the beefarmer, and the regional bee inspector lecturing/demonstrating/overseeing practicals.
