Mite Away 2 for nucs

Started by rayb, September 24, 2007, 08:59:18 AM

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I have a couple of 5 frame nucs that I would like to treat for mites. Sticky boards show moderate drops. The Mite Away pads are not recommended for hives this small. Has anyone ever tried using 1/2 a pad for treating nucs? Or maybe using a pad after it has been opened for a few days to let the strongest vapors out ?

Thanks, Ray

Michael Bush

I would base it on volume.  The fumes need to fill the volume but not overwhelm them.  A five frame nuc's inside volume is half of one deep.  So if you need one pad for two deeps then you'd need 1/4 pad for a five frame nuc.
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Michael, Thanks for the quick response. Mite Away's official response was that it is intended only for full size units. I will give it a shot. Just gotta wait till our temperatures get less Summer like.

Thanks, Ray