question for all the beeks out there

Started by beekeeperookie, October 08, 2007, 09:38:52 AM

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So how is this weather treating your hives, I know in Ohio it gotten cool for about two weeks and now we are in the 90s again for an October!!!!  This has to be confusing for the girls. 

On another key note the inspector came out and I passed with flying colors. (now watch i just Jinks myself lol) :-D


It is a little hot (high 80's), but the highs wil drop to the mid 70's by Thursday.  My bees are very active with the warm weather.
Chuck and Fran


We are pretty much getting the same thing you are getting.  I came back from Harrisburg a few hours ago and my truck's thermometer read 94 F.  Hopefully it starts cooling off.  The late winter killed my hive last year.  Fooled the queen into laying eggs.  Instead of the bees clustering when it got cold, they continued to care for the eggs/brood.  I believe Maryland reported the same thing with the majority of their lost hives and didn't attribute the losses to CCD.  Kinda sad to see all those bees stuck in the cells, dead.  It was a hive I pulled from a tree in my back yard.  They had been living there for a few years, but the tree was rotten and had to come down.  Was my best hive last year and that loss set back the growth of my bee yard, considerably.


South Florida, warm and wonderful. While most people feed there bees sugar water. I feed mine frozen margaritas.  ;)

The status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. Dr. Horrible


Quote from: Understudy on October 08, 2007, 10:55:25 PM
While most people feed there bees sugar water. I feed mine frozen margaritas.  ;)

Brendhan - The girls must love that!

Cold and rainy (even snow a little) here last week in Northern Utah. Today 68 or so, with the rest of the week in 70's. I'm going to place yellow jacket traps tomorrow, and hope that my girls still collect more nectar for the coming Winter.




upper 70's to around 90 lately. bees building lots of stores from goldenrod,asters and late cut alfalfa that is blooming again. Expecting closer to normal temps of 50's and 60's later in the week and next week.Have six hives plus an ob hive going into winter this year. Had 2 hives last year and only 1 survived. Hope it's a better year this year!


Brendhan - The girls must love that!

Cold and rainy (even snow a little) here last week in Northern Utah. Today 68 or so, with the rest of the week in 70's. I'm going to place yellow jacket traps tomorrow, and hope that my girls still collect more nectar for the coming Winter.



Does your bees get in the yellow jacket traps?


very hot and dry here - low 90's the past few days. I've finally given in and started to feed as it looks like a repeat of last winter.

Cindi - if you see this, the borage I planted in mid August came up beautifully. It seems to be the most popular blossom with the bees at the moment. Probably helps that I water it.


Very hot and dry here. We have not had rain in a long time. It was 97 at my house today. 97 in October! It was getting into the low 50's last week so I removed the stick in the hive cover. Today the bees were covering the front of the hive because it was so hot.

The weather is supposed to break and drop to the 70's by Thursday.


So looking forward to cooler weather, bees active here.
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It is getting colder at nights low 50's foothills of northern California and warm during days 70 or 80's. My bees still seem to be active during the day.  I am feeding and one hive seems to be making stores the other is not and it concerns me.  Any hints for this new bee to beekeeping.


Normal temps here should be around 70 and its been in the high 80's and 90's. Bees are still very active. Its suppose to get back to around normal temps this week so they say.
Finally got a little rain here and had a small flow from the goldenrod after the rain but now its dried up again.


Mid 90's until today, finally normal weather.  Checked on the girls yesterday, all my hives are packed with goldenrod honey - at least 110 lbs per hive.  I pulled my supers mid September expecting cooler weather.  Had a goldenrod and unexpected wildflower flow.  Most flowers here have bloomed again.  It's so different from last year when we had the dearth. :-D

My Carnolians do seem to be cutting back or they swarmed and I missed it.  My Italians are all still going strong.

The good life is honey on a Ritz.

Old Timer

Quote from: beekeeperookie on October 08, 2007, 09:38:52 AM
So how is this weather treating your hives, I know in Ohio it gotten cool for about two weeks and now we are in the 90s again for an October!!!!  This has to be confusing for the girls.

i'm sure they are not too confused. as long as the days get shorter and the nights get longer, they'll know what's happening.


rain almost everyday for the past 1 1/2 weeks and almost continuous rain fsince sunday.


Quote from: sean on October 10, 2007, 09:40:52 PM
rain almost everyday for the past 1 1/2 weeks and almost continuous rain fsince sunday.

and it continues
Ahh... anybody out there need some rain can get some of mine.