new and need advice on winterizing (amador wine country) California

Started by blckoakbees, October 15, 2007, 11:23:25 PM

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Ladies and Gents,

I need some advice on getting the ladies ready for winter.  The nights are getting down below 50 degrees, but the days are still hot such as 60, 70 or 80 degrees.

I missed the class on getting ready for winter.  I have now joined the beekeeping club and will be going with alot of questions.  I thought some of you might have a checklist for us new bees.  This is my first winter.

I have been feeding 2/1 sugar water.  I was wondering whether I should take off supers with little honey in it.  We get some snow in December or January (less than a foot which does not stick) I have been treating with powder sugar for mites and have not seen any.

If you have a checklist or advice I would appreciate it.  My two hives are doing pretty well.  I lost one to raccon when electric fence malfunctioned.


Still Learning

Old Timer

take the supers off and let the bees rob the honey out. they will use it for backfilling. the extra space of the empty super will make it harder on them this winter. check on them through the winter to make sure they have ample stores to survive on.


I'm in El Dorado County at 1600 feet.  I checked my hive Sunday and they were still laying in stores.  It was 73 degrees.  I'm not offering advice since I am also new to this business but here's what I plan to do. 
Install an entrance reducer/mouse guard on the bottom board which is screened and will remain open this winter.
Make sure there are adequate stores, I have one deep chock full and one deep about 1/3 full of honey.
Replace the cover with an inverted solid bottom board and an entrance reducer to provide ventilation.  I plan to leave this as the hive cover from here out.
Weight the cover against the wind

If I was feeding I would remove the feeder.
If I had a solid bottom board I would tilt the hive to the front slightly so rain will run off.

I don't plan to winterize until the middle of nexrt month when the daytime temps hit the upper 50's and the nights hit the mid 40's.

You will get excellent advice from the experienced members of the forum.
Good Luck


Thank you Eldo Bill,

I am a little higher in elevation than you are.  My hives do not have adequate honey so I plan to feed throughout the winter and will take your advice.

This is exactly what I was looking for.