Hives working like crazy

Started by tom, October 18, 2007, 06:03:48 PM

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  Today i went to check on my new nuc from two of my weak colonies and boy they are booming like the rest of the hives. All you can hear is a deep roaring from them fanning and the smell of aster honey being cured they have slowed down on working pollen they are more busy working what is blooming. I sowed about an half acre of ladino clover for my girls and i put down about 14lbs. of seeds to make sure it was thick enough and i also fertilized my mothers back yard and the area between my hives and shed with more clover seeds so i know they will have plenty now i am waiting on the rain to come which it is coming tonite or tomarrow but all i all theye are working and the last time i checked the queens were back laying and some had plenty of capped brood so i may take a frame of brood from my oldest colony and give it to my nuc so they can build up some more.

Tom :-D


I checked a nuc today I got from a swarm trap. It has gone gang busters also. Queen is laying like mad.  I am glad I am not the only one. I have a couple of hives that have scaled back and some that are in overdrive. It is going to be interesting.

I am glad to hear your combine went well.

The status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. Dr. Horrible


I combined two cutouts I got last mont both small no honey could'nt get the queen requeened and they are starting to take off.Bring in pollen and covering ten frames now.I made a hive last week with a Hot Tip from TwT and they are starting to really go now.I have a queen comming from Kona and I'm going to make another hive this next week I'm getting excited for spring
"It's not about Honey it's not about Money It's about SURVIVAL" Charles Martin Simmon