dwindling numbers in hive

Started by latebee, August 11, 2004, 12:49:36 AM

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I need some advice here--two weeks ago i moved two hives(2 deep and one shallow apiece)to pollinate a 5 acre pumpkin patch about 15 miles from the original location. One is doing fine and the other is declining very rapidly since the move. Since i did not plan to extract honey from either one both received 4 Apistan stips and a terramycin patty.      Today when I checked them out all of the bees including the queen on the weak colony were on the outside of the hive, I put the queen back in carefully and the others flew around wildy for about 10 minutes the returned inside. I am stumped? Probably some simple answer that I can not diagnose. The owner claims no pesticides were applied. :oops:
The person who walks in another's tracks leaves NO footprints.


This would have me stumped as well.  Is there any brood in the weak colony?  I'm wondering if the mite load was so high, and the move stressed them enough to cause them to consider absconding.  Were there any stores?  Did the combs collapse during the move?  Was the weak colony being robbed to the point of extinction?


Quote from: latebeeI need some advice here--two weeks ago i moved two hives(2 deep and one shallow apiece)to pollinate a 5 acre pumpkin patch about 15 miles from the original location.

One is doing fine and the other is declining very rapidly since the move.

Since i did not plan to extract honey from either one both received 4 Apistan stips and a terramycin patty.  

Today when I checked them out all of the bees including the queen on the weak colony were on the outside of the hive,

Have you looked if hive is too full of honey, and it weakened because it has swarmed?

Queen is outside? It is really strange if it is not goin to swarm?

I have nursed bees 42 year, and i have not seen queen outside of hive. If the young one is outsive, it moves very guickly in and out.


1) sheck that there is free space to eggs and honey
2) sheck are there larvas
3) how big is brood area
4) is the brood area nice, not spotted like shooted with shoot gun.

If you have deseases, you must give terramysin during 3 weeks.

Mite killing will  not succeed if hive have brood.  

I HAVE NOTIDED MANY TIMES THAT QUEEN CAN BE VIOLEtED IF YOU GIVE APISTAN  AT SUMMER WHEN IT LAYS EGGS.  I had mites in my nucs plenty and I put apistan. In both nucs bees started to change the queen.

If you have plenty of mites, keep brood brake in the hive = take queen away. Then give open larvas to the hive, and mites goes to that frame. Then destroy frame.

QuoteI put the queen back in carefully and the others flew around wildy for about 10 minutes the returned inside. :

Is it possible, tahat you hive has swarmed - lack of bees

You saw possbly  a new queen accidently and it was just going to fly outside. Queens fly in our country at the hottest time of day  14:00 - 15:00 about (summertime!)