Gardners apiary

Started by tom, January 05, 2008, 10:25:12 PM

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Hello does anyone here knows if gardner apiry has a website or if they are selling bees to be shipped. I have tried to find them on the web but no luck and also has anyone ever ordered from them.



they are doing busnise they are in the abj heres the phone#912-367-9352   i have never dealt with them there prices are low in the add dont know if that is good or bad :lol: RDY-B


My local beek club always picks up packages and queens from them in the spring.  Mostly probably because Mike G. is the Pres or VP....they are at a great price for us, no shipping.  Mike is a super guy, we have most of our meetings at his place.  I think they are pretty low-tech yet...  I only see the add in the American Bee Journal and you can search for "Spell Bee", as that is the name of the bee side of things.

As far as the bees go...they are italians, I don't think that there is anything that really makes them stand out from what I can tell, but they are decent bees at a good price.
