Transcript of the chat with fatbeeman on 02/01/08

Started by Understudy, February 01, 2008, 11:57:32 PM

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[17:50] <fatbeeman> I could not get ventrilo soft ware
[17:50] <pdmattox> glad you got in here
[17:50] <pdmattox> let me get some more people for you to talk to
[17:50] <fatbeeman> need someone to fix my p/c
[17:51] <pdmattox> i got the same feeling
[17:51] <fatbeeman> the text in here is flashing
[17:51] User mick enters the room Bee Chat.
[17:51] User bud enters the room Bee Chat.
[17:52] <pdmattox> yea we are still working out the kinks
[17:52] <fatbeeman> is it on my end
[17:52] <pdmattox> no
[17:52] <pdmattox> it is the software
[17:52] <fatbeeman> thank god
[17:52] <pdmattox> we all expereince it
[17:52] <pdmattox> it keeps refreshing
[17:52] <fatbeeman> ok
[17:54] <mick> gday
[17:54] <bud> dallis good at messin up
[17:54] <bud> and hidy
[17:54] <fatbeeman> lets hope not
[17:54] <fatbeeman> hey mick
[17:54] <fatbeeman> from down under?
[17:55] <mick> yes mate
[17:55] User rdy-b enters the room Bee Chat.
[17:55] <bud> sure glad to see you here stayed till my eyes started closin last night
[17:55] <fatbeeman> you do the small cell there
[17:55] <mick> mate I dont know a small cel lfrom a large one, but I spose some people do
[17:55] <fatbeeman> bud I tried to get in chat
[17:56] <bud> yep was talkin with dallis as he was talking with you
[17:56] <fatbeeman> I sure hope I will be some help to ya'all
[17:56] <bud> wish you could get on our voice chat my fingers dont do so good
[17:57] <fatbeeman> mine either
[17:57] <fatbeeman> there too fat
[17:57] <mick> lol
[17:57] <fatbeeman> there too fat for this small key board
[17:58] <bud> yep and see you ant real big (400)
[17:58] <fatbeeman> the java wont load voice on your chat
[17:58] <rdy-b> hay don hows it going
[17:58] <fatbeeman> its going well rdy
[17:58] <mick> i just counted my stings from this morning, 11 all up on the wrists, darn I wanst gunna drink today, well not before sunset lol but ive started 8 hours early.....medicinal reasons of course
[17:59] <rdy-b> ihave a? about foging
[17:59] <fatbeeman> fogging
[17:59] <bud> why wait
[17:59] <rdy-b> dose it get aii over the outside of the hivebodies
[17:59] <rdy-b> dose it stop ants
[18:00] <fatbeeman> no you shoot it in the entrence about 20 seconds
[18:00] <fatbeeman> cinaman for ants
[18:01] <rdy-b> ya but would it stop ants if you tried to keep them oiled
[18:01] <rdy-b> cinamon was not enough
[18:01] <fatbeeman> maybe if you pour it around hives
[18:02] <mick> I aint wasting beer pouring it around the hives Smiley
[18:02] <fatbeeman> if you get russian bees
[18:02] <rdy-b> serious ant controll needed-25 lb sacks-lol
[18:02] <fatbeeman> use vodka
[18:02] <fatbeeman> just jokeing
[18:03] <rdy-b> is that like quinine in cin and tonic
[18:03] <fatbeeman> no
[18:03] <rdy-b> quinine cures all they tell me
[18:03] <fatbeeman> I use it for me
[18:04] <rdy-b> vodka or quinine
[18:04] <fatbeeman> quinne
[18:04] <fatbeeman> for leg cramps
[18:04] <rdy-b> yep cures all then
[18:05] <fatbeeman> for leg cramps
[18:05] <rdy-b> yep cures all then
[18:05] User johnnybigfish enters the room Bee Chat.
[18:05] <fatbeeman> hey johnny
[18:06] <pdmattox> hey johnny
[18:06] <johnnybigfish> Hey guys!
[18:06] <rdy-b> dont have a learners permit for this putter
[18:06] User Moonshae enters the room Bee Chat.
[18:06] <Moonshae> hey
[18:07] <johnnybigfish> Whats the topic guys?
[18:07] <fatbeeman> I thought ya'all would have questions about small cell
[18:07] <fatbeeman> I am no expert
[18:07] <johnnybigfish> Small cell is chinese to me
[18:08] <bud> me too
[18:08] <johnnybigfish> I do good just to look in the hive
[18:08] <fatbeeman> you seen my web page?
[18:08] <johnnybigfish> No, not yet
[18:08] <johnnybigfish> What is it?
[18:08] <fatbeeman>
[18:08] <rdy-b> strictly or do you let them make any natural comb as well
[18:09] <bud> done read it copla times
[18:09] <fatbeeman> guess this chat don't put it up in link
[18:09] <johnnybigfish> I got it written down
[18:09] <fatbeeman> well least we all do organic treatments
[18:10] <rdy-b> did you see the post about smoke
[18:10] <fatbeeman> yes
[18:10] <fatbeeman> about the walnut in smoker
[18:10] <rdy-b> hard to work without smoke
[18:11] <fatbeeman> I do most time
[18:11] <fatbeeman> no viel
[18:11] <fatbeeman> no gloves
[18:11] <johnnybigfish> work without smoke?
[18:11] <fatbeeman> all the time
[18:11] <rdy-b> pulling honey
[18:11] <fatbeeman> rain or shine
[18:11] <johnnybigfish> ME TOO..most the time
[18:12] <fatbeeman> I breed gentle bees
[18:12] <johnnybigfish> Its to hot here for smke and suits
[18:12] <johnnybigfish> I do get stung tho
[18:12] <fatbeeman> hard to catch queens looking thru a viel
[18:12] <rdy-b> so if they are pisey you just stop
[18:13] <johnnybigfish> Teh, and the sweat drips in your eyes faster too
[18:13] <fatbeeman> not if you got a batch of queens comeing off
[18:13] <rdy-b> have to keep schedule
[18:14] <fatbeeman> yes when there ready you might have to put in 100
[18:14] <johnnybigfish> I'm goung to reach my 1 yr. bee anniversary in April so I dont know much about queens and other stuff
[18:14] <fatbeeman> if rainning you still work or loose
[18:14] <rdy-b> rain or shine
[18:15] <fatbeeman> johnny we got to start some where
[18:15] <johnnybigfish> Yep!
[18:15] <fatbeeman> just feel free to ask questions
[18:15] <johnnybigfish> Its funny..I cant seem to think of any right now..just hoping to see someone else ask something
[18:16] <bud> when can I try rasin some queens in central Ms.
[18:16] <bud> got some drones flying outa a coupla hives
[18:17] <fatbeeman> mature ones
[18:17] <bud> dont know
[18:18] <fatbeeman> was they from over wintering
[18:18] <bud> just a little polen not much to speak of
[18:18] <johnnybigfish> I thought the drones were kicked out before winter
[18:18] <bud> yep
[18:18] <fatbeeman> feed pollen sub
[18:18] <fatbeeman> some over winter
[18:18] <bud> been doing that not taking it
[18:19] <fatbeeman> down here they do
[18:19] <fatbeeman> I feed most of yr
[18:19] <johnnybigfish> where are you fatbee?
[18:19] <fatbeeman> ga
[18:19] <johnnybigfish> Ahaaa..drought area huh?
[18:19] <fatbeeman> yeah
[18:19] <fatbeeman> this yr
[18:20] <bud> had drouth 3 yrs
[18:21] <johnnybigfish> WOW...3 years..I didnt know it was that long...I guess the only rason I knew what i do is from starting bees and seeing whats in the forum
[18:21] <bud> last 2 worst
[18:21] <johnnybigfish> we finally got rain the week i got my bees...and it rain through the whole mesuite bloom
[18:22] <fatbeeman> if your not makeing honey its not too bad
[18:22] <johnnybigfish> mesquite
[18:22] <fatbeeman> mostly sell nuc's queens
[18:23] <Moonshae> what would you say a minimum number of hives would be if you want to raise your own queens? Just for yourself, not to sell
[18:23] <fatbeeman> you need to set up a starter box
[18:23] <fatbeeman> you need to set up a starter box
[18:24] <fatbeeman> set in 60 cells
[18:24] User CWBEES enters the room Bee Chat.
[18:24] <fatbeeman> hey cw
[18:24] <bud> didnt have no idea could do that many
[18:24] <CWBEES> hi fbm
[18:24] <fatbeeman> I use a 5 frame box
[18:25] <fatbeeman> no that's what I do
[18:26] <bud> how do you feed it
[18:26] <fatbeeman> hive top
[18:26] <fatbeeman> feeders
[18:27] <johnnybigfish> ok,....I'm not ready to take a queen rearing step yet but I imagine its gonna happen sooner or later
[18:27] <fatbeeman> 60 and hope you get good take
[18:27] <fatbeeman> half the time my post don't send
[18:27] <bud> do i have to do much protecting during grafting
[18:28] <johnnybigfish> I havent seen the queens in my hives since i put them in but i know they're there
[18:28] <fatbeeman> no
[18:28] <bud> temp
[18:28] <fatbeeman> half of what I send is going
[18:28] <rdy-b> yep this pages is boging
[18:28] <fatbeeman> post not all being posted
[18:29] <fatbeeman> you need to mark queens
[18:29] <rdy-b> they are buried at the bottom of page
[18:29] <pdmattox> check to make sure auto scroll
[18:30] <rdy-b> do you clip wings
[18:30] <pdmattox> is on
[18:30] <fatbeeman> its on
[18:30] <bud> best way for marking
[18:30] <johnnybigfish> Yeh, I know....Mine were marked..from navasota...I even had to get another one a few weeks after my packages got to my house
[18:30] <fatbeeman> I don't like to clip
[18:30] <pdmattox> this is a new chat room we are testing
[18:30] <rdy-b> 10 4 auto scroll
[18:30] <pdmattox> lots of bugs to work out
[18:31] <pdmattox> it was the only way for don to text chat
[18:31] <fatbeeman> no tuff questions?
[18:31] <fatbeeman> hope to get on voice
[18:31] <pdmattox> I am not smart enough to ask questions yet Don
[18:31] <bud> that sure would be great
[18:32] <rdy-b> no qunine for ants
[18:32] <pdmattox> I cant wait to hear ya
[18:32] <bud> me either
[18:32] <fatbeeman> only dumb question is one not asked
[18:32] <johnnybigfish> ...
[18:32] <pdmattox> yes sir
[18:32] <pdmattox> very true
[18:32] <fatbeeman> we all here to learn
[18:32] <johnnybigfish> It seems to be working good from where I sit
[18:32] <fatbeeman> including me
[18:32] <pdmattox> yep
[18:33] <pdmattox> me too
[18:33] <bud> just like a biscit I am sopin
[18:33] <fatbeeman> including me
[18:33] <johnnybigfish> Yeh, i might give the voice chjat a try...again...I just got hi-spped, after have 28.8
[18:33] <fatbeeman> we are trying to make us all better beekeepers
[18:35] <johnnybigfish> Do you think i should feed pollen cakes?...I have a lot of honey still in there for them
[18:35] <fatbeeman> how old ya'all are?
[18:35] <johnnybigfish> 50
[18:35] <bud> 60
[18:35] <fatbeeman> yes I feed
[18:35] <rdy-b> how do you fell about excluders
[18:35] <fatbeeman> I am 66
[18:35] <rdy-b> 46
[18:35] <pdmattox> 34 almost 35
[18:35] <fatbeeman> I don't use them
[18:36] <pdmattox> i feel like i am 89
[18:36] <fatbeeman> guess I am the old man huh?
[18:36] <johnnybigfish> not even when catching a swarm? like to block in the new queen?
[18:36] <bud> yess sir
[18:36] <rdy-b> young as you feel
[18:36] <pdmattox> my mentor is 77 and will work circles around 3 of us in the yard
[18:36] <fatbeeman> nah=don't call me sir
[18:37] <johnnybigfish> hey PD,..are you sure thats not my dad?
[18:37] <bud> shucks my folks taught me respect
[18:37] <fatbeeman> I hope to mentor here
[18:37] <pdmattox> I would not have wanted to work with him in his 30's
[18:37] <bud> i an't gona work no way
[18:38] <johnnybigfish> My dads 78 and he can work me to the bone
[18:38] <fatbeeman> older people made tuff
[18:38] <johnnybigfish> yeh, thats fer sure
[18:39] <CWBEES> I am a young 41
[18:39] <johnnybigfish> I started feeling old at about know. weaker and stiffer
[18:39] <bud> hows this
[18:39] <pdmattox> understudy should be here any minute
[18:39] <CWBEES> Feel like I am still 30
[18:39] <fatbeeman> I started to feel old at 35
[18:40] <rdy-b> hit me at 40
[18:40] <fatbeeman> ya'all got any nite you chat?
[18:40] <johnnybigfish> My wife tells me that being married to me is like being married to her little brother...I guess thats a good thing?
[18:40] <rdy-b> but you still run deeps
[18:40] <johnnybigfish> This is the first time I ever saw anybody in the chat room
[18:41] <fatbeeman> we need to change that
[18:41] <bud> every night on ventrillo
[18:41] User beeman enters the room Bee Chat.
[18:41] User beeman enters the room Bee Chat.
[18:41] User beeman leaves the room Bee Chat.
[18:41] <fatbeeman> hey beeman
[18:41] User beemaster enters the room Bee Chat.
[18:41] User beemaster enters the room Bee Chat.
[18:41] <johnnybigfish> hee hee...!
[18:41] <beemaster> Hi all
[18:42] <fatbeeman> hey beemaster
[18:42] <johnnybigfish> Hi !
[18:42] <beemaster> welcome aboard Beeman
[18:42] <johnnybigfish> I type with 2 fingers..just so ya know!
[18:42] <fatbeeman> thanks
[18:43] <fatbeeman> hope to mentor people
[18:43] <fatbeeman> make us all better
[18:43] <rdy-b> he likes vodka
[18:43] <bud> sho wish you were closer to me
[18:44] <rdy-b> for ants that is
[18:44] <johnnybigfish> Oh boy,...(now water comes out of my eyes)
[18:44] <johnnybigfish> hey beema
[18:45] <johnnybigfish> hey fatbeeman...what kind of bees do you have?
[18:45] <fatbeeman> 80% russian
[18:45] User Understudy enters the room Bee Chat.
[18:45] <Understudy> Hmmm
[18:45] <beemaster> I like your attitude Beeman, we all need mentors
[18:45] <fatbeeman> I use ferral lava to graft from
[18:45] <rdy-b> howdy
[18:46] <johnnybigfish> rdb-y....are you grinning>
[18:46] <fatbeeman> to get a gentle bees
[18:46] <rdy-b> yep
[18:46] <fatbeeman> that over winter well too
[18:46] <johnnybigfish> georgia has kind of mild winters doesnt it?
[18:46] <Understudy> The AHB issue in Florida means feral hives are given a bad name
[18:47] <Understudy> No winter here
[18:47] <fatbeeman> most time
[18:47] <beemaster> THERE FOUND MY GLASSES - NOW i CAN SEE :)
[18:47] <rdy-b> what about swarming
[18:47] <bud> you mean you take yo lava from wild hives?
[18:47] <fatbeeman> no AHB up in ga.
[18:47] <Understudy> Want some :)
[18:47] <fatbeeman> no AHB in ga.
[18:48] <bud> got plenty
[18:48] <fatbeeman> yes graft from wild
[18:48] <bud> ok gotcha
[18:48] <fatbeeman> wild/not treated least 4 yrs
[18:48] <Understudy> How do you deal with small hive beetles?
[18:49] <fatbeeman> I treat
[18:49] <Understudy> What do you treat with?
[18:49] <fatbeeman> boric acid under cardboard
[18:50] <fatbeeman> or plastic
[18:50] <Understudy> On top of the frames?
[18:50] <fatbeeman> or plastic
[18:51] <Understudy> Do you place the cardboard on the top box, on top of the frames?
[18:51] <bud> could you be a little mo detail
[18:51] <fatbeeman> no=in back hive on bottom board
[18:51] <bud> ok
[18:52] <Understudy> Ahhh
[18:52] <rdy-b> wont the bees get to it
[18:52] <fatbeeman> no
[18:52] <fatbeeman> inside cars board
[18:52] <pdmattox> I need this info very bad
[18:52] <fatbeeman> carboard holes
[18:52] <Understudy> Do expose the waffle part of the cardboard
[18:53] <fatbeeman> cut into 3x4 squares
[18:53] <fatbeeman> cover with duck tape
[18:53] <fatbeeman> cover with duck tape
[18:53] <fatbeeman> keeps bees out
[18:54] <fatbeeman> its organic
[18:54] <Understudy> A silly question, how do you place the duct tape on the cardboard?
[18:54] <fatbeeman> no chem's
[18:54] <fatbeeman> on top
[18:54] <fatbeeman> holes on side
[18:54] <Understudy> So you tape it to the bottom board?
[18:55] <fatbeeman> shb's climbn in holes
[18:55] <fatbeeman> I staple it
[18:55] <fatbeeman> tape is for bees not chew carboard
[18:55] <Understudy> Ahhhh
[18:55] <fatbeeman> tape is for bees not to chew it
[18:55] <Understudy> So you cut the duct tape to match the 3x4 cardboard
[18:56] <fatbeeman> yes
[18:56] <Understudy> How long do you leave it in for
[18:56] <fatbeeman> fill only 1/2 full
[18:56] <fatbeeman> fill 1/2 full
[18:56] <fatbeeman> leave 3-6 months
[18:57] <bud> do you seal one side
[18:57] <fatbeeman> change then
[18:57] <fatbeeman> only one side
[18:57] <rdy-b> can you mix the boric with diatinashos earth
[18:57] <bud> of the holes
[18:57] <fatbeeman> no
[18:57] <fatbeeman> no need to
[18:57] <rdy-b> ok
[18:58] <Understudy> fatbeeman, one trap per hive?
[18:58] <fatbeeman> boric acid kills roaches and shb's
[18:58] <Understudy> Yes it does
[18:58] <fatbeeman> 1 to hive
[18:58] <Understudy> Excellent
[18:59] <rdy-b> what do you think about pf120
[18:59] <fatbeeman> I am a wood and wax man
[18:59] <johnnybigfish> Speaking of Diatomaceous earth,...wont that grind up the bees? it does fly legs and fleas?
[18:59] <fatbeeman> make my own wax
[19:00] <fatbeeman> johny use on ground
[19:00] <fatbeeman> around hives
[19:00] <rdy-b> pepole needto start some place
[19:00] <johnnybigfish> Ohhh,..ok
[19:00] <fatbeeman> kills larva
[19:00] <Understudy> fatbeeman how do you treat for nosema?
[19:01] <fatbeeman> milky spores too
[19:01] <fatbeeman> I use tee tree oil
[19:01] <johnnybigfish> Good stuff
[19:01] <Understudy> tree oil for nosema?
[19:01] <rdy-b> tee tree
[19:01] <fatbeeman> good for chalk brood too
[19:01] <Understudy> How do you apply it to the hive?
[19:01] <bud> how used
[19:02] <fatbeeman> tea tree
[19:02] <bud> yes
[19:02] <rdy-b> ok
[19:02] <fatbeeman> I mix with sugar syruip
[19:02] <Understudy> and they consume it?
[19:02] <fatbeeman> you need to smulsify first
[19:02] <fatbeeman> or it seperates
[19:02] <Understudy> ahhh
[19:03] <fatbeeman> 10-20 drops to gal
[19:03] <johnnybigfish> you get tea tree from the internet?
[19:03] <fatbeeman> bee culture done a artical on me
[19:03] <rdy-b> how imulsify
[19:04] <fatbeeman> its all organic
[19:04] <fatbeeman> use wifes blender
[19:04] <Understudy> fatbeeman What is the age of your oldest hive?
[19:04] <fatbeeman> run low speed for least 5 min.
[19:04] <fatbeeman> my old hives most 5-6 yrs
[19:05] <fatbeeman> boxes least 25-30 yrs
[19:05] <johnnybigfish> do you paint?
[19:05] <fatbeeman> yes I paint
[19:05] <fatbeeman> all diff colors
[19:06] <johnnybigfish> me too,..white, brown, and yellow
[19:06] <fatbeeman> what ever get cheap
[19:06] <rdy-b> are your yards isolated
[19:07] <fatbeeman> no
[19:07] <fatbeeman> keep most here
[19:07] <Understudy> fatbeeman, what are the tell tale signs that a hive is getting ready to swarm?
[19:07] <rdy-b> so theres mite presure from outside
[19:07] <fatbeeman> drawing lot of drone cells
[19:07] <Understudy> beemaster, Is there going to be a log of this afterward?
[19:08] <fatbeeman> will it be used against me????
[19:08] <Understudy> Never :)
[19:09] <Understudy> It will be used as reference becasue I am old and senile
[19:09] <fatbeeman> lol
[19:09] <johnnybigfish> But you're still smart! Smart and senile!
[19:09] <Understudy> You mentioned using walnut shells in smoker? Why?
[19:09] <rdy-b> did you see the test from HAS
[19:09] <fatbeeman> no=shaveings
[19:10] <fatbeeman> oils from walnut kills mites
[19:10] <Understudy> fatbeeman, you must eat a lot of walnuts
[19:10] <fatbeeman> do a mite count
[19:10] <johnnybigfish> Yeh, LOTS
[19:10] <fatbeeman> before and after
[19:11] <fatbeeman> has?
[19:11] <johnnybigfish> (Im afraid to ask...)
[19:11] <Understudy> HAS was a beekeeping convention I believe, Dee Lunsby and Michael Bush attended
[19:11] <fatbeeman> oh
[19:12] <pdmattox> understudy call me
[19:12] <fatbeeman> Dee and I are friends
[19:12] <beemaster> not sure about the whole ARCHIVE with this program - you might have to cut and paste
[19:12] <Understudy> she is a great lady
[19:12] <fatbeeman> Dee and I are friends
[19:13] <fatbeeman> only part of my typeing on the scroll
[19:13] <rdy-b> they spoke of a SC test they ran wondered if you saw it
[19:13] <fatbeeman> no
[19:14] <fatbeeman> I been doing s/c since 1993
[19:14] <johnnybigfish> I gotta go now you guys..My wife says if i wanna eat i getter git moving..This has been fun..see you guys later!
[19:14] <fatbeeman> I do research here too
[19:14] <fatbeeman> nite john
[19:14] <rdy-b> sooner or later im sure -right on
[19:14] <Understudy> fatbeeman, how did you get into beekeeping
[19:14] <fatbeeman> oh=50 plus yrs ago
[19:14] <johnnybigfish> thanks for all the info....
[19:15] <Understudy> family business?
[19:15] User johnnybigfish leaves the room Bee Chat.
[19:15] <fatbeeman> old man started me
[19:15] <fatbeeman> your welcome
[19:15] <rdy-b> latter jony
[19:15] <Understudy> So how many generations of beekeeping in your family?
[19:16] <rdy-b> at what stage did you come to SC
[19:16] <fatbeeman> just me
[19:16] <Understudy> ahhh
[19:16] <fatbeeman> after looseing bee went to s/c
[19:16] <Understudy> What would you like to see change with the beekeeping industry?
[19:16] <fatbeeman> I loose no more 1-2 %
[19:16] <rdy-b> ya but how many year ago
[19:17] <fatbeeman> chem free
[19:17] <Understudy> Did you have any CCD issues?
[19:17] <fatbeeman> chem free
[19:17] <fatbeeman> last yr 2 %
[19:17] <fatbeeman> no CCD
[19:17] <fatbeeman> noCCD
[19:18] <Understudy> What do you think is the possible cause of CCD?
[19:18] <rdy-b> do you think location is key to sucsess
[19:18] <fatbeeman> CCD mostly with pollenators
[19:18] <fatbeeman> key tomine/hard work
[19:19] <rdy-b> yes
[19:19] <fatbeeman> anyone can make bees
[19:19] <fatbeeman> keeping them is hard
[19:19] <bud> only thing i am alergic to is work
[19:19] <Understudy> bud, heeh
[19:19] <Understudy> hehe
[19:19] <rdy-b> many levels of sucses
[19:20] <fatbeeman> I am full time beekeeper
[19:20] <Understudy> fatbeeman, what are the most common mistakes begineers make?
[19:20] <fatbeeman> no work no eat
[19:20] <rdy-b> yep
[19:20] <bud> naa gov check fo us lazy suckers
[19:21] <rdy-b> i bet you eat good
[19:21] <fatbeeman> some time
[19:21] <bud> you bet
[19:21] <Understudy> if he didn't it would be skinnybeeman?
[19:21] <fatbeeman> bees eat better
[19:21] <Understudy> :)
[19:21] <rdy-b> its just around corner
[19:21] <fatbeeman> buying sugar
[19:22] <rdy-b> i like drivert
[19:22] <rdy-b> 8% invert
[19:22] <Understudy> buying sugar is a mistake?
[19:22] <pdmattox> i been feeding for two weeks
[19:22] <fatbeeman> why?
[19:23] <pdmattox> 25 nucs being made tomarrow
[19:23] <fatbeeman> I have to feed
[19:23] <pdmattox> me too
[19:23] <bud> got me a grocery saves me all the damaged
[19:23] <pdmattox> build up for orange and pollination
[19:23] <Understudy> fatbeeman, what are the most common mistakes begineers make?
[19:23] <fatbeeman> I use barrels
[19:23] <pdmattox> i have a poly tank
[19:23] <fatbeeman> trying to get too big
[19:23] <pdmattox> love it
[19:23] <fatbeeman> too quick
[19:24] <Understudy> ahh
[19:24] <pdmattox> hope not
[19:24] <bud> mee to
[19:24] <pdmattox> i been told that before though
[19:24] <rdy-b> coming in front door ends up in for brood is a good thing
[19:24] <Understudy> pdmattox :)
[19:24] <fatbeeman> run what you can handle
[19:24] <pdmattox> lots of pollen coming in for 3 weeks solid
[19:25] <fatbeeman> mattox got any orange honey?
[19:25] <pdmattox> got more yards than bees right now
[19:25] <Understudy> What do you insulate your hives with in winter?
[19:25] <pdmattox> I think i still have several gallons
[19:25] <fatbeeman> in ga>?
[19:25] <Understudy> mild winter ? No need for insulation?
[19:25] <fatbeeman> need good orange honey
[19:26] <fatbeeman> I used to keep bees in fla
[19:26] <pdmattox> I'll see what i can do
[19:26] <pdmattox> where at
[19:26] <fatbeeman> used to keep in fla
[19:26] <fatbeeman> leesburg
[19:26] <fatbeeman> area
[19:26] <pdmattox> ahh
[19:26] <Understudy> Been there.
[19:26] <fatbeeman> 25 yrs ago
[19:26] <pdmattox> my main area is dade city
[19:27] <pdmattox> got a 3 yards in ortona near the old faimly place that i never have put the bees on
[19:27] <fatbeeman> I hope to start splitting soon
[19:27] <Understudy> fatbeeman, Have you ever raised Buckfast bees?
[19:28] <fatbeeman> no buck fast they get too hot
[19:28] <rdy-b> what you going to polinat
[19:28] <fatbeeman> mostly russian
[19:28] <Understudy> Why Russians?
[19:28] <fatbeeman> they don't die
[19:29] <pdmattox> squash and melons
[19:29] <Understudy> Good reason
[19:29] <fatbeeman> eat 1/4 as much as itilians
[19:29] <pdmattox> very good reason
[19:29] <bud> you graft from ferrels, do you use russian drones
[19:29] <rdy-b> omg pesticide
[19:29] <bud> ?
[19:29] <fatbeeman> yes
[19:29] <Understudy> You have russian ferals in your area?
[19:29] <fatbeeman> russian some NWC's
[19:30] <rdy-b> what about yugo
[19:30] <fatbeeman> no I cross with my russian drones
[19:30] <fatbeeman> no yugo's
[19:30] <rdy-b> how come
[19:30] <Understudy> hey pdmattox trade orange blossom honey for some of Don's queens :)
[19:31] <pdmattox> :) :)
[19:31] <fatbeeman> I breed from russian
[19:31] <bud> yep dallis says you already sold out
[19:31] <fatbeeman> I sell all over USA
[19:31] <pdmattox> :)
[19:31] <bud> yep
[19:32] <fatbeeman> when your bees stay alive up north you got something
[19:32] <Understudy> pdmattox a russian AHB cross. A bee that loves warm weather and eats next to nothing? And asks for your papers commrade.
[19:32] <rdy-b> whats your time frame on orders
[19:32] <pdmattox> lol
[19:33] <fatbeeman> I start to ship late mar.
[19:33] <pdmattox> the perfect bee
[19:33] <fatbeeman> depends
[19:33] <rdy-b> are you booked
[19:33] <fatbeeman> for queens or nuc's?
[19:33] <rdy-b> queens
[19:33] <Understudy> fatbeeman, How many boxes do you use for brood?
[19:33] <fatbeeman> when you need?
[19:34] <rdy-b> april
[19:34] <fatbeeman> you mean full hives?
[19:34] <Understudy> Yes
[19:34] <fatbeeman> you could get in april weather permiting
[19:34] <rdy-b> ok
[19:34] <fatbeeman> I keep 200+
[19:34] <rdy-b> 30
[19:35] <Understudy> fatbeeman, How many boxes do you use for brood?
[19:35] <fatbeeman> 250 5 frame nuc's in my front yard
[19:35] <fatbeeman> single story
[19:35] <Understudy> fatbeeman, Do you use excluders?
[19:36] <fatbeeman> I pull frames weekly
[19:36] <fatbeeman> no excluders
[19:36] <Understudy> How do you deal with brood at the top of the hive?
[19:36] <pdmattox> do you stack another box on top of the nucs when growing them out or just transfer them to another box?
[19:37] <fatbeeman> transfer
[19:37] <fatbeeman> transfer
[19:37] <fatbeeman> then put in a cell
[19:38] <Understudy> fatbeeman, How do you deal with brood in the top of the hive?
[19:40] <fatbeeman> why do you use excluders?
[19:40] <Understudy> I don't use them
[19:40] <rdy-b> saves work
[19:40] <fatbeeman> it slows down brood
[19:40] <fatbeeman> wears out wings too
[19:41] <rdy-b> need more hives then
[19:41] <fatbeeman> I run ross rounds with out x cluders
[19:41] <Understudy> Wow
[19:41] <rdy-b> i go for honey have no time -very hot work
[19:41] <rdy-b> 7-11
[19:42] <Understudy> the 7/11 comb is interesting.
[19:42] <rdy-b> forgot you make your own
[19:42] <bud> sho thank you gona go to bed
[19:42] <fatbeeman> yw
[19:42] User bud leaves the room Bee Chat.
[19:43] <rdy-b> seeya bud
[19:43] <pdmattox> night bud
[19:43] <Understudy> Night bud
[19:43] <fatbeeman> time for me bed time
[19:43] <Understudy> Don thank you
[19:43] <fatbeeman> will return
[19:43] <fatbeeman> cya
[19:43] <rdy-b> nice chating
[19:43] <Understudy> This was awesome
[19:43] <pdmattox> thank you
[19:43] <pdmattox> had a good one
[19:43] <fatbeeman> send e mail when want to chat
[19:44] <pdmattox> we need to post it
[19:44] <Understudy> fatbeeman, email hell, I am moving in. :)
[19:44] <fatbeeman> k
[19:44] <fatbeeman> lol
[19:44] <pdmattox> lol
[19:44] User fatbeeman leaves the room Bee Chat.
[19:44] <pdmattox> i'mm with ya
[19:44] <Understudy> Okay I will copy paste what I have
The status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. Dr. Horrible


Thanks to pdmattox and Robo for making this happen and suppling me with the earlier chat section.


The status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. Dr. Horrible