Adding supers

Started by Gerald in Ga, February 02, 2008, 05:13:35 PM

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Gerald in Ga

When would be the approximate time to put supers on? I am in Augusta GA. and saw what looked like an orientation flight today. I have NWC. They are in 1 deep with 1 medium on top. I've had them since last July and they are doing good.
  Thank you.

NWIN Beekeeper

Hello Gerald !!

[I...saw what looked like an orientation flight today.]

Orientation flights will occur any time that your bees are confined for any long period (>48 hours typically).
Or it will occur when young bees are first attempting to forage. 
This is not necessarily a sign the any significant is happening - but it is cool to watch!

[When would be the approximate time to put supers on?]

You get a bunch of different answers (maybe some with a specific date) but I find the best answer depends on the performance of the individual hive itself.  I think most will agree that when 7 of 10 frames are filled (likely with wet nectar) then add a super or two depending on how long it took to fill the first super. If your flow is slow (it took a long time to fill the first super) then a single box is probably more ideal.  If the flow is strong (it took just a week to will the super) then possibly two boxes would be recommended (especially if you tend your bees infrequently).

The gamble is this, If you add too many boxes and flow stops, the bees may spread out the nectar and cap the cells very shallow (this is difficult to uncap, extract, and wasteful if you crush/strain).  If you provide too few frames, the nectar gets crammed in the same few cells and it takes longer for the nectar to cure into honey (your overall harvest will suffer).   

If you are adding supers with drawn comb, you can add multiple at a time (since less nectar is being converted to wax - it is spread throughout the comb instead).  If you are using foundation, add only a box at a time to prevent production of too shallow of a comb. Also intermingle finished frames with new frames of foundation, this will create straighter combs and promote upward movement and usage of the next box.  Be sure to keep frames tight together (full boxes of frames) to achieve the best straightest comb.

I hope this gives you a yard stick by which to measure your situation and to decide what you need to do next.

There is nothing new under the sun. Only your perspective changes to see it anew.

Gerald in Ga