Bursting with Bees Part Deux

Started by DayValleyDahlias, February 10, 2008, 08:01:11 PM

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Upon inspection, there was a lot of capped brood, larvae and some eggs...on 2 frames in the upper deep...there were a ton of bees in the bottom box, quite a many in the to but more in the bottom...

Whats up with that?

Also, should I let nature take its course, and figure Queenie will know when it is time to increase production?  Should I feed a 1:1??? 

Thanka ya's mucho


I believe i read somewhere that you have double deeps. if that is correct it is normal for them to move to the uper box come spring. I would reverse the boxes and let them have plenty of room for brood.  If you have stuff blooming I would not feed unless they need it.


Things are beginning to bloom here,acacia, arctostaphylos ( manzanita ) and various eucalyptus...think I will just wait and see...

Thank 'ye PD


OK I just asked you a question in another post and you answered it here. Sorry for not reading further.

I am curious though about the honey stores in your hives, you did not mention the honey.



They had plenty of honey!  Wow!  They were fat lil dudettes too!
