Mud Daubers.....Grrrrrrrrrr

Started by mgates61, February 20, 2008, 11:15:43 PM

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We have literally thousands of mud daubers here in north central Arkansas.  Are they going to be a problem for me ???  They build their mud nests on everything.


<img src="" border=0
alt="Click for Drasco, Arkansas Forecast" height=100 width=150>


No they should not give you any problems.

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No, they won't give you a problem, they're solitary wasps and eat bad bugs in the garden, so don't kill them! 

- Ann, A Gardening Beek -  ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

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I've seen wasps and bumblebees trying to get into the hive, but never a mud dauber.

They mostly just put mud where you don't want it and scare you (some of them are gigantic!).



 After learning that mud daubers kill Black Widows they dont much get my attention any more..We have alot of Black Widows here and They make homes the same places as the Daubers make their nests! I guess thats why the Daubers are one of the biggest enemies of the Black Widow.
your friend,


Mike, I think that you heard so many answers, mud daubers are cool, they can be nuisance, but when I see them, I don't bother them at all.  I don't even think that they bug humans, not like our other friendly bug gers, like the yellowjacket, hornet and wasps, now they are critters I don't want around, even if they eat bad bugs too, they eat our good bugs, like the bees, hee, haw.  Ignore the mud duabers, they just want to daub mud.  Beautiful day, beautiful life, beautiful.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service

Michael Bush

I've never found them agressive or hard to get along with, but they do like to nest in empty equipment.
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