Eivindm's membership maps

Started by BigRog, October 07, 2004, 01:07:18 PM

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If some of you have looked at my maps lately and found it a bit outdated, you can take a new look now.  I've done a full update today which should include both new members and udpates to the location of old members.



Thank you for UPDATING the map - wow!!!!

I'll delete out all posts that are NOT relevant any longer and MAYBE make this a NON-REPLY POST to keep it clean looking.

Great work and I'm happy to see an up date! Only 3 states I think now that are missing, but them tricky countries are gonna be a while - lol.

PS.... did you get the message about the Hindenburg Certificate????
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

Please enjoy the forum, and if it has helped you in any way, we hope that a small donation can be made to support our FULLY member supported forum. You will never see advertisements here, and that is because of the generous members who have made our forum possible. We are in our second decade as a beekeeping forum and all thanks to member support. At the top right of every page is a donations link. Please help if you can.


There are 2 Alaska Members in the Alabama section. The one member listed in Alaska may be lonely :wink:
Computer Tech, Beekeeper, Hunter = Hi-Tech Redneck


Quote from: Hi-TechThere are 2 Alaska Members in the Alabama section. The one member listed in Alaska may be lonely :wink:

Woops..  That means I have a bug in my software somewhere :-)  I will look into it soon (I am at work at the moment).  Thanks for telling me!


I just smile every time I see E's avatar :)
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

Please enjoy the forum, and if it has helped you in any way, we hope that a small donation can be made to support our FULLY member supported forum. You will never see advertisements here, and that is because of the generous members who have made our forum possible. We are in our second decade as a beekeeping forum and all thanks to member support. At the top right of every page is a donations link. Please help if you can.

allen dardoise jr

my name is allen dardoise and now i have 3 hives in ruther glen, va.  :!:


The summer went by way too fast this year, and it has been too long since I updated these maps.  But they finally got updated today :-)


When will you be updating again. I just joined and was looking for someone close to home to help me out.


I will try to do it during the week.  The days are flying by these days as the job rquires my attention full time  :?

Ginger Bush

I also added my location to my profile. Thanks for all the hard work!!
A lie travels halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.

Winston Churchill, et all


Neat map, I'm from southwestern British Columbia Canada.  How do I get on the map?


I'm afraid it has been a while since I updated last time.  I have been really busy at work lately, and it's been too long since my last udpate.  The only thing you need to do to get on the map, is to update your profile with your location (country, or state if you're from the US, will do).  Then you have to wait until I have made the next update.  Hopefully it will bee soon.


The migration from phpBB to SMF gave me a bit problems updating these maps as the location information in SMF is not provided in the same way as in phpBB (you have to look at each members profile to see the member's location). But now this problem is solved with some help from one of the other moderators.  This means that the udpates of these maps will be performed far more often than in the past as the workload for each update is far less. 

As I updated the maps today, we have over 900 members placed on the maps!

I still have some problems pointing out the location for some of the users that has provided localization info.  With a location like "usa" I am not able to place you on the map.  It is also of tremendous help with the state info provided.  Let's say you live in hoobdoobatown in texas.  With just "hoobadoobatown" I will have to do some research to find out where you live, and if the name of this town also exists in North Dakota, I can not say which state you live in.  With the location set to "hoobadoobatown, tx" or "hoobadoobatown, texas", the update of the maps goes much much smoother.  And besides, you will get far more accurate answers as the information about the climate (which the person that answers is far more likely to know something about if the information about which state you live in is provided) is a vital part of many answers. 

The same goes for all of you that live in other countries.  With just "Oslo" in the location I guess many of you would have a hard time knowing where I live.  With "Oslo, Norway" some of you might have a clue about where I live.  If you don't, I suggest you take a look at a map of the world anyway  ;)

So please make sure your location provide acurate information in your profile.  If you don't want to say which town you live in, that's ok, but the name of the state or the name of the country you live in would still be good.

I have a busy schedule these days, so 5 or 6 of you are not placed on the map yet, as the coordinates on the map of the country you live in is not defined yet.  I hope to update this quite soon though.


Awesome E that you now have the data you need - great update!!!
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

Please enjoy the forum, and if it has helped you in any way, we hope that a small donation can be made to support our FULLY member supported forum. You will never see advertisements here, and that is because of the generous members who have made our forum possible. We are in our second decade as a beekeeping forum and all thanks to member support. At the top right of every page is a donations link. Please help if you can.


hey evendim,  i have moved since the previous update,  i now live in parachute co.
nice to see the map updated
vegetarian???  isn't green stuff for growing meat?
I'm now KL4GU general ham


These maps are nice, thanks for doing this.

I have seen some other club maps that show more precise Lat/Lon coordinates such as the one that shows my weather station location:

The cross-hairs at the very center show exactly where my weather station is located.

I'm wondering if there would be some way to have a map like that one that shows the exact location of bee hives.
If so, this could be very interesting and useful. For example, our county government often sprays for mosquitos (west nile threat) during the summer. Our local beekeeping club keeps a paper map with "pins" where members identify their hives on the map. Supposedly the county is supposed to check this map before spraying to avoid killing bees. Since there is only the one physical map, I doubt they can check it every time.

If the map were online (like the weather-station map), then they could easily check from any location, time or day.

Does anyone here have any experience with such maps? Are there mapping sites that a club or interest group can use to precicely pinpoint their locations with GPS coordinates?
-David Broberg   CWOP#: CW5670 / CoCoRaHS #CO-BO-218
Blog: http://beesandblooms.blogspot.com/
My Weather: http://www.leyner.org/
My Flickr Album: http://www.flickr.com/photos/dbroberg/


You could make a Google Earth .KLM file with the GPS Coordinates of your hives as landmarks.  You can label each location and add other pertinant information if you like.  You can combine them all into one file.  Then when you click the file, it will show them all in Google earth, and you can zoom to any one of them you want.   The initial zoom will go close enough to show them all at the same time, and then you can zoom more precicely on your own from there, if you need to. 


Quote from: ChickenWing on December 09, 2006, 08:47:10 PM
You could make a Google Earth .KLM file with the GPS Coordinates of your hives as landmarks.  You can label each location and add other pertinant information if you like.  You can combine them all into one file.

That sounds like it might work, but would it only work from the computer that has the .KLM file, or would anyone from any computer be able to see the landmarks and labels? 
-David Broberg   CWOP#: CW5670 / CoCoRaHS #CO-BO-218
Blog: http://beesandblooms.blogspot.com/
My Weather: http://www.leyner.org/
My Flickr Album: http://www.flickr.com/photos/dbroberg/


The .KLM would have to be downloaded to each computer.  They are small, like downloading an image.  You can post the .KLM on a website or whatever, and can be downloaded from there.


Wow!  who's the person in the middle of the Arabian Sea? 

<img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/miniStates_both/language/www/US/WI/Milwaukee.gif" border=0
alt="Click for Milwaukee, Wisconsin Forecast" height=100 width=150>

If the automobile had followed the same development cycle as the computer, a Rolls-Royce would today cost $100, get a million miles per gallon, and explode once a year, killing everyone inside.
  - Robert X. Cringely