Yippee cayo kayay, Richard has some girlfriends!!!

Started by Cindi, February 27, 2008, 11:19:09 AM

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So, yesterday we went and got a couple of turkey hens for Richard, he has been so lonely (remember Richard is my Bronze Heritage tom turkey).  He performed like nothing on this earth.  Even though the hens were not his breed, nor are they purebred, they are some kind of mix. They are opposite to his gender and that is all he cares about.

These two girls are beautiful.  One was born last June (2007) and the other one the previous June (2006).  The previous June (2006) gal raised her brood last summer and was a great layer.  The place where I got these girls from was a place of beauty within itself.  The man obviously cared for ALL (and I mean all, you will find out what I mean in a minute, hold on....) his birds with amazing cleanliness and orderlyness.  Amazing and I was proud to purchase stock from him and will purchase more in a heart beat.  He also gave me a name of a buddy of his that raises Khaki Campbells further out the valley, so I am contacting him today too. I am grateful to have met this man, I think that he has many contacts for birds that I may wish to get.  He is also a member of the Fraser Valley Bird Fanciers Association (or something like that).

He had every imaginable bird on earth at his place, all in beautiful pens in large barns, fenced yards, and simply beautiful.  Let me see if I can recall most of what I saw.

All manner of chickens:  Araucanas, Cookoo Marans, Brown Sex-Sal-Links, Plymouth Barred Rocks, Black Australorps, banties of all manner, and several other breeds

Peacocks coming out his ears
Pigeons coming out his ears, many, many breeds
Guinea fowl
Turkeys, bronze heritage, red bourbon, royal palm, blue slate, oh my crackers!!!!  The Red bourbon was very pretty, as was the Royal Palm
Muscovy and Indian runner ducks, wow!!!!
All kinds of other fowls too

He is going to get some more breeding pairs (can't remember what, but they were like $2,500 a pair)
There was so many more, but I just can't remember

This is a backyard farmer gone wild!!!  Nothing commercial about this dude, but wow!!!  A couple of years ago when the AI was terrible, almost all of his stock was killed off, that was a tragedy that so many of the farmers here had to endure.  The government paid him for most of his stock they killed, but that was heartbreaking for him.  His stock all tested as negative, but that still didn't stop the government from death stuff.  Poor soul, but he has started over again, and I must take my hat off to him (and hundreds of others).

So, what a trip that was.  I was very glad to go and get to know this fine man.  I trust the quality and health of his birds, this shone through.  Anyways, here are pictures of Richard and the new hens.  Today I have lots more work to do to make my place even nicer for these gals.  They are getting their own house that I am cleaning up.  I am cleaning out another boxstall that has my Son-in-Laws "stuff" in.  I will reorganize another area and put his stuff in there.  It will be good for him and me and the turkeys will have their own house, and then I am off to the bush to cut down some branches of the vine maple to make some nice perches for these girls.  They love to roost high and I don't want them in the trees, they have a house that will be safer for them.  Have the most beautiful and wonderful day, let's love this life we live. Cindi

Hen #1, she does not have a name yet, but that will soon come, as with the other's

This one may be a blue slate crossed with something, he was not sure of a couple of crosses, due to so many hatching last year, some got mixed up I guess

This one may be crossed with a bourbon red and a bronze heritage, again, I guess a tom got loose and had some fun......

There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


They are beautiful!  He is going to be one busy boy for sure!  Did his colors change when he saw them?  We had turkeys once, they were very sweet & followed us all over & sat in our laps!  My daughter makes the perfece Ouk Ouk OUk sound they make & gets the ones at the fair to talk back!
I'm covered in Beeesssss!  Eddie Izzard


Jody, oh that is cute about your Daughter, and the tameness of your turkeys, nice.  When he saw these girls, I didn't notice if his colour changed.  His caruncles and waddle and head all change colour all the time, from beige to bright blue to blue-grey to red, he can different colours of his face and stuff within seconds.  It never ceases to amaze me how quickly the colours can change and I love to watch it occur.  He sure was happy, he puffed up and puffed up until I thought he was going to blow up!  And continuously puffed up, for hours, puffing up, going smooth, but mostly all puffed up, so cool.  Guess he was strutting his stuff.  Turkeys are such a blast to watch.  I can't believe how much more relaxed the hens are today even, I think that he is contributing to this too, because he is quite friendly mostly and is nosey as old get out.  Haven't seen any breeding yet, maybe they do it in secret, hee, hee.  Maybe he is yet too young, who knows.  What a blast on the farm!!!  Have a wonderful, awesome day, love this beautiful life we live.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


Cindi the top one looks like pure Blue slate and the bottom one looks like blue slate crossed with narrigansett or bronze. With he type of pattern it shows. Very nice looking gals. I allready have baby poults hatching.  One hatched monday and the others are due tomorrow. When I candled they were both in the air cell.



Angi that is interesting that you think the one is a pure blue slate, the vendor seemed to think it was a cross, but that is OK, I don't mind, he does have blue slates there and had so many maybe he got mixed up with stuffs.  The second one would more than likely be crossed with a bronze because he had a couple of bronze toms.  I didn't see any other breeds other than the blue slate, burbon red, and bronze, so she is probably not crossed with the narrigansett, as you thought she may.  I think they are very pretty too, thank you.

Isn't that nice that the poults are hatching, so cool.  Get a new camera so you can take pictures of stuff going on at your place for us,  :( :) :).  I wish more of our forum friends would post pictures, I love to see them all, the farm critters are so neat to look at.  Have a beautiful and wonderfully awesome day, Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


Angi, this morning in some correspondence with the dude that sold me Richard (the tom), he said that when he purchased the original tom from him (Richard's dad) that this told was a Nagganasett.  He had posted a picture of this tom on a fowl forum and someone said that it was probably a bronze not a Nagganasett.

I have looked at both the breeds on the internet and what actually is the difference in your eyes?  They pretty much looked the same to me, but then I am so new to turkeys that I do not yet have a discerning eye.

According to the original owner of Richard's dad, Richard may be a Nagganasett X.  I have further corresponded to Richard's former owner and he will investigate more deeply I would imagine, but your input here would be interesting.  Have a wonderful and beautifully great day, on this great planet, Earth.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


Richard looks like a Bronze. Dang if my digital camera was not broke I could show you a pict. Bronze has way more darker colors and more blacks. Where as the narris have more white and browns and tans. And more striping. Look at the one hen you have see the tans that is why I said she looked Narri. Where as your tom has allot of black. I will see if I can get some good pictures out of my old digital camera.
