Stina Gio & Me Cooking!

Started by DayValleyDahlias, February 28, 2008, 03:29:22 PM

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Sharon, so cute to see your face poking out there in the background, hey.....who is Stina Gio?  Daughter?  Whomever she is, what a beauty, I would imagine that she is your progeny, birds of a feather....have a beautiful and wonderfully awesome day, this world we share.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


My Daughter Christina "Stina"  My hubby "Georgio", and me of course!


Quote from: DayValleyDahlias on February 28, 2008, 03:29:22 PM

Somehow I am always in the backround...hhhmmmm

I don't see cooking going on, just a little posing. heehee. ;)

My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

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I'm guessing by the shirts in the pic that yall were cooking some itailan food. :-D


LOL, you guess it!  Italian food, and can you believe I have no Italian bees???


Italian? Gio?..Stina?
   Hmmm..Rudy Guliani?,
Your daughter looks like a movie star! :shock:
Oh boy,.....I LOVE spagetti!..and garlic bread....and parmesan cheese....And Italian dressing with my salad!
Well, I already ate dinner so i better settle down.
I ate wild pig sausages tonite..and salad and mashed i'm eating those gumdrops from walmart as I sit here in front of the computer...
ok,....maybe spagetti tomorrow!
your friend,


Lasagna with extra red sauce and garlic bread, crunchy, garlic bread!

My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

My website


I'm with you JP, you are making me hungry though.


Quote from: DayValleyDahlias on March 05, 2008, 11:40:31 PM
Penne pasta with 3 cheeses  mmmmmmmmm

That's my wife to the tee!!! I'm a red sauce and angel hair pasta kinda guy here.

My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

My website


I am more of a fresh pesto and penne girl myself :-D


organicgrl37.  Wow, haven't seen you here in a long time, hope life is all well.  How is your Father?  You have been very busy?  I sometimes worry when I ask these type of questions, that things are not OK, but I am hoping I am wrong.  Anyways, nice to see you back, if only for that fleeting moment in time.  Have a wonderful and beautifully fabulous day, Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service