State Apirist

Started by BigRog, October 25, 2004, 05:09:32 PM

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Well tomorrow I have the State Apirist coming to inspect the hive. Speaking on the phone, he seemed like a nice guy and we talked a bit about what was going to happen. This will be a full inspection every frame.
He is mostly concerned with foul brood and one other disease which I can't remember. I am confident that I have no such problem. But he said that even if it was present it didn't mean the end of the hive. All in all I think it is a good decision for me to have this done.

The hive was strong and busy at my last inspection, but activity is way down and the girls have stopped taking sugar water about 2 weeks ago
There are still flights going in and out but it's more like podunk airport instead of O'Hare.

Here is what the weather is looking like
10 Day Forecast: Richmond, VA (23225)

Tonight - Oct 25  Mostly Cloudy 48° 0 %

Tue - Oct 26  Partly Cloudy 70°/46° 0 %

Wed - Oct 27  Partly Cloudy 66°/44° 0 %

Thu - Oct 28  Few Showers 66°/50° 30 %

Fri - Oct 29  Partly Cloudy 70°/55° 20 %

Sat - Oct 30  Mostly Cloudy 77°/53° 20 %

Sun - Oct 31  Few Showers 69°/49° 30 %

Mon - Nov 01  Partly Cloudy 68°/50° 10 %
"Lurch my good man,…what did you mean when you said just now that 'You've got better things to do than run my petty little errands'…….?"


It sounds like your bees are preparing for the upcoming winter. Have they evicted the drones yet? My hives all got rid of their drones on Wednesday/Thursday of last week.
If you're there when the inspector opens your hive you should be able to get a good count of how many frames of honey your girls have saved up for the coming winter. This will give you a good idea of wether or not they have enough stores to see them through.

Horns Pure Honey

Do you have to have your hives inspected? Esp. if I raise bees for honey production. bye
Ryan Horn


I am in Richmond, VA and yes I am supposed to have my hives inspected. But although I got some bad news during the inspection, I also got advice and information that let me give my girls the best chance of surviving the winter.
"Lurch my good man,…what did you mean when you said just now that 'You've got better things to do than run my petty little errands'…….?"


what was the bad news big rog?