Spring is in the air.

Started by Ericnwicklow, April 01, 2008, 07:38:39 PM

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Well my friends

Sunday was a fine day altogether sun shone and my hives were flying ,a great sight as i was a bit worried they were alright ,i thought i had looked in a bit to early but all seems ok.It feels like the seasons are changing for the better ,well certainly for me the beekeeper.Its a great thing seeing your girls flyin round in circles above their hives getting to know there patch again after the winter.I have three hives that have made it through the winter ,thats all of them ,so happy they have made it ,good strong ladies ,i think i will be rearing some queens this year off the strongest hive.
Monday ,well snow on the hills and all was quiet around the hives ,no surprise really it was cold.
Tuesday,sunshine again and the ladies were all around the front door gathering water from some of the plant pots ,i hope this is a good sign.
Whats the weather all about i hope it settles soon i so want to get back at the hives ,i think its about the pleasure it brings and the alming sound of the bees i miss over winter i miss ,does anyone else feel like this ?
Queen rearing i am trying for sure this year any advice or pointers for a virgin rearer would be appreciated .

Regards Eric.


Eric, you are among forum friends that share your feelings about the bees.  I for one love the thoughts that when the wintertime is drawing to a close, that I know the beautiful dog days of summer are coming soon.  The days when I spend hours sitting by my colonies, breathing in the fragrance that emits from their home, the scent can travel a very long ways, and oh yes, I do miss these times in the deep dark of the winter. So, yes, Eric, I am one that shares your sentiment, and you will hear comments from many others I am sure, we are all under this spell of that honeybee.  Beautiful day, beautiful life.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


Hello all yes apring is in the air i lost most of my hives this winter but three made it and they are going crazy it has been raining here alot but today the sun came out and the girls were out in large force.Today hive #3 was looking they were putting out a swarm but it was only young bees. This hive was the second big hive which i thought until today this hive also have been taking in honey-b-Healthy and it seemed to have boost them my other two hives are taking it in slowly but they are really loving the turnip blooms and alot of other trees are blooming love this time of year.
