Crystalised honey in cells?

Started by limyw, April 15, 2008, 11:34:23 AM

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Three days ago I harvested about 100kgs of honey but today when they were filled into bottles, some milky white particles were settled at the bottom. They dispeared after dipping into hot water. If rab using fingers, the particles quickly melts. So, my question is would honey crystalised although it is stored in honey combs? Doesn't honey only crystalised in low temp or high concentration?



It seems honey crystalizes as a natural process. Some sources crystalize at different rates, I think canola honey is the fastest.

Temp. seems to control the size of the crystal the warmer the bigger/coarser and the cooler the smaller (creamed honey)




Yes, honey crystallizes in the comb.  The bees will use the sugar crystals during the winter when  it is cold (for us in Michigan, I'm sure malaysia is different), but I find that by spring time they are carrying them out of the hive (all over the bottom board insert).

Honey actually crystallizes the quickest at about 59 degrees fahrenheit.  Like Peter said, there are several variables that cause crystallization quicker or slower.  One is the sugar ratio (glucose/fructose/sucrose), another is undissolved solids (pollen, dust,?), and another is temperature.  I think that the sugar ratio is most important.

Mine will usually go solid within 2-6 weeks depending on when I harvested it.


Last fall I didn't get to harvesting until early Sept. or so. Much of my honey was crystallized in the comb. Some I left on for them to eat over the winter. The rest I took off and put in storage. Over the past two days I have put out two full mediums of honey. Easily 55-60lbs each. Both are now stripped of all honey. I had mad clean up going on. When the weather gets better this weekend I will put out a couple more for them to clean up. I have new packages coming on Saturday and want the boxes cleaned up for them.

The amount of activity was amazing around those two boxes just sitting on the ground. My wife made me promise not to leave any more that close to the house again.
After 18 months of reading and preparation, my girls finally arrived on April 11th (2006)!