Are Nitrile gloves really stingproof ?

Started by malabarchillin, April 23, 2008, 09:11:29 PM

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Are Nitrile gloves really stingless ?





No they are not.   And yes I have been stung thru them :oops:

Just once though :-D
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison


Here's a thought, one is less likely to be stung whilst wearing nitrile or latex gloves, because one is less likely to smash bees or knock frames around with them on?


not sting proof I think the bees have a hard time holding on to them though. I have a swollen finger right now from one sting yesterday


Hey all,
We have some of these and I wanted to ask before I purchased other gloves: Does it matter what color the Nitrile gloves are, or any gloves are that are worn during interactions with the bees? We have some powder blue Nitrile gloves we use for other goat stuff. Would these be light colored enough to use or does it not matter in that respect that much?



now the real question is, what about silk gloves?

From "The Devil's Horsemen: The Mongol Invasion of Europe":

An arrow might pierce his armour and penetrate his body, but it would usually fail to cut through the silk and would instead carry the silk with it into the wound. ... y gently lifting the twisted silk around the wound, the Mongols could draw the arrow out, turning its head along the same route as the one by which it had entered, and thus leave the hole as neat and small as possible....


I have black latex gloves that I use for gardening, will those work?



BLACK NO NEVER BLACK!!!!!! Working bees I placed my speck-case in pocket of suit . Found in 2 minutes it covered with stinging bees and had to leave the area to eliminate the alarm smell. :shock:


QuoteI have black latex gloves that I use for gardening, will those work?

Over time with enough use, you could eventually develop a latex allergy also.  That will alter your life drastically.  My mother-in-law used to work in a hospital and developed a latex allergy.  Now she has to be careful with everything she wears, eats, uses to wash with, etc.


I don't know, but my leather beek gloves are not. When honey covered, they can sting through leather gloves. In addition to veils, right through scrreen on your chin when veil relaxes on face as you look up into soffit, through the cloth on head and even through the "double layer" at back of head,.through blue jeans, dickies style pants, socks, and anything else that gets honey'd up. I am trying not to add to list in future, but all got stung through recently w/ me. Well over 60 times, maybe even a hundred as I still find little tiny infection spots where i got stung last friday in new spots in places I didn't know I had been stung before.
"The more complex the Mind, the Greater the need for the simplicity of Play".


Quote from: KONASDAD on April 25, 2008, 12:22:41 PM
I don't know, but my leather beek gloves are not. When honey covered, they can sting through leather gloves. In addition to veils, right through scrreen on your chin when veil relaxes on face as you look up into soffit, through the cloth on head and even through the "double layer" at back of head,.through blue jeans, dickies style pants, socks, and anything else that gets honey'd up. I am trying not to add to list in future, but all got stung through recently w/ me. Well over 60 times, maybe even a hundred as I still find little tiny infection spots where i got stung last friday in new spots in places I didn't know I had been stung before.
