Balance inspection disruption Vs bridge comb ?

Started by malabarchillin, April 24, 2008, 04:16:44 PM

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I have been told that every time you inspect deep enough to remove frames it disrupts the bees for a week.
During a flow you need to inspect for adding supers, checking for swarm prep etc. If you leave them alone during a flow how do you deal with the brace type comb that they build between frames and supers. It can take quite a bit of twisting the supers to free them. I have 3 hives and a nuc (will be 2 nucs). I intended to try to leave the 3 hives and 1 nuc alone more and learn and play with just 1 nuc.
How do you balance the need to inspect with leaving them alone to work ?


I would not bother pulling frames to check for adding supers.

Once you noticed all the nice white comb on top of the super its time to add another.  In fact many of the large Beeks say that you better add atleast 3 supers at the beginning of the flow cause you may miss the majority of the honey if you do not!!!
God Bless all the troops
Semper Fi Marines!


I inspect the brood nest MAYBE 3 times a year.  I think smoking the bees is the most disruptive part, probably because they are gorging themselves with honey.  When there's a flow going on, I typically don't smoke.  They are more concerned about foraging than me checking honey frames.  In a dearth...I smoke.  They tend to get grumpy in a dearth.  If I need to go into the brood nest, I use smoke.  I inspect right after winter when it gets warm (first inspection of the season), again if something needs to be done due to the results of the first inspection or if I find something off during the season, and then at the end of the season to ensure there are plenty of stores.


BMAC is right.
If you have a good to super nectar flow you need to add no less than 2 M supers for just 5 to 7 days.
If you cannot or will not get back to them within that time frame then 3 or 4 may be in order.
After the flow you may have one to remove, but in my opinion one to many is better than one to few.