Help! It's snowing ~ what to do?

Started by Flygirl, April 26, 2008, 12:53:11 AM

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Hi everyone~

It's snowed about a foot of new snow ~  after we've had temperatures in the 50's!  YIKES! I'd already raked & cleaned up my flower beds.  Even my Himalayan poppies (sp?) were up about 6 inches.  Here I am wringing my hands...

I made a dash to my bees & wrapped the boxes with my box system ( foam & insulation) around them & then covered the top & sides with a tarp.  I left the front door open & have removed the snow so it's not plugged.  Should I do anything else?  they have frames of honey & top feeders but I'm worried they won't survive the cold.

We've had the weirdest weather ~ It's usually spring now!  Suggestions?  (besides move to a warmer climate!) :) FG

~ It's never too late to have a happy childhood ~


Hi again ~i added the picture of my son that was taken a week ago.  He's holding burr comb buildt on the queen's cage.  The temp was in the 50's, full sun & very warm in our bee suits.

Snow!  Oh bother!  FG
~ It's never too late to have a happy childhood ~


Oh no.

Yeah its snowing here in Minnesota. Two days ago, we had 75 degree temps.
My 4 new hives come in lets see...May 15th, so like a little less than 3 weeks.


Good luck to you!



After much pulling of hair and gnashing of teeth, I just installed the during a brief break in the weather and called it good last Sunday. We still have pockets of snow on the ground.

Today, they've drank all the syrup and the landing board looks like LAX Airport.  The ladies are busy, I inspect tomorrow.

I expect they'll be fine, given enough food.  Not like I'm an expert or anything....


Some days you just want to line them all up and start asking questions.



It sounds like your doing just fine =)

One thing that everybody has to realize, is that no one was an expert when they first started.
Everybody wasn't so good when they started on their journey.

I think when people are beekeeping, they tend to focus on the mistakes they make. I know I sure did. (Sometimes still do!) But I think that everyone should focus on the lessons they learned and how to prevent it next time.




It was quite cool to take my wife down to the hive (she was curious, and loves to rescue bumblebees), explain the cover/inner cover, and then pull the cover off (no gear) and the inner cover for a few seconds.  She was impressed... they are busy as bees, one might say!

Looking forward to pulling some frames tomorrow, see what they've been up to.  Bee traffic has been huge!

Some days you just want to line them all up and start asking questions.

Dick Allen

Flygirl, the bees are alive and well in my hives. It isn't really necessary, in my opinion, to wrap or cover the hives this time of year. There are plenty enough bees in the packages we received to cluster for warmth. The forecast is for some more snow today, but it'll be all melted in a few more days.

Regards Flygirl. I think we worked for the same company at one time, huh? :)


Thanks all & especially Dick in Anchorage!  I put my bees in on the 16th & they've been bees so to say ;)  I was really worried because I was going to check them this weekend & probably have to add a second brood box but now there's a foot of snow on top & around them ~  I'm in South Addition & it's warmer here than other parts of Anchorage but I did cover them ~ couldn't help myself.

Oh well, if there's more snow coming I guess i'll hang tight & hope it does melt quickly.
~ It's never too late to have a happy childhood ~

Michael Bush

>Help! It's snowing ~ what to do?

Make it stop. ;)
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Dick Allen

Well, I know you're anxious, but probably don't need a second hive body just yet Flygirl. There was a good foot of snow on top of my hives, too. However, by last night it had already melted off the hive covers. The nordic ski association has just regroomed the hillside trails again, so while the bees are waiting for the snow to melt a bit more, guess I'll just have to go out and get some exercise!