Queen Rearing Class

Started by MustbeeNuts, April 27, 2008, 10:59:43 AM

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I signed up for a class on queen production yesterday. It is being taught by a Entomoligist. From our local University. It consists of six 4  hour classes in the hive, over a six week time frame. It will center on graphting queens, raising queens, and choosing hives for strength and laying queen characteristics. I am really hopped up on this. Sure hope I learn something. LOL The class is small with a max amount of students of 20. To pass,  you must succesfully raise and mate a  queen or queens with good worker brood pattern, and the cool thing is you get to keep your queen or queens. So cool. This is coming just at the right time, at the begging of my beekeeping hobby.
Each new day brings decisions,  these are  new branches on the tree of life.


MBN, I just have to ask, is that your betta?  He is gorgeous!  They have such personalaties!  The queen class sounds great too.   :)
I'm covered in Beeesssss!  Eddie Izzard