Packaged Bees Doing Textbook

Started by MustbeeNuts, May 06, 2008, 09:33:04 AM

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Just wanted to say my new packages of bees are doing text book. Its been two weeks and I have 5 good frames of capped brood and eggs going on, I finally saw the larvae, lots of them, swimming in a pool of liquid food. Its remarkable how they do there job, just like the book says, brood in the middle and at the top honey , I am thrilled.

The second hive a little slower but in the same condition only just 4 frames capped same scenario, I did notice one odd thing, the liquid in the one looks like it has a fine dust of charcoal. I think its getting it from the sugar mix, I used a pot I used for making Almond leaf tea. It has a stain from the leaves that a little is coming off of(I think).  Do you think this could hurt them, I use the tea for my tropical fish. Or could it be something else, everyone seems happy otherwise.
Each new day brings decisions,  these are  new branches on the tree of life.