Slow start

Started by daniel, May 11, 2008, 09:39:35 AM

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Good Morning;
Well it is raining and 47 degrees here in Southeast Wi. "again". Has anyone else seen a very slow build up of population this spring?   I assume it is due to the cool wet spring.  Happy Mothers Day!!!    Dan


You could feed them a pollen patty and some syrup to give them some help on the nasty days.
"The mouth of a perfectly contented man is filled with beer." - Egyptian Proverb, 2200 BC


We did that earlier. They did eat a little pollen patty but did not want the syrup. They have plenty of honey to eat. Other beekeepers in the area also said the bees took very little syrup this spring. Of course the next one has had no problem this spring(all part of beekeeping). Thanks for the response.  Dan


Here in Western Michigan, my girls are having a slow start also.  They are not taking up half of what they did last year at this time.  I did an inspection of my hives last week and the queens are laying alot.  I had alot of honey left from what was a hard winter here.  They are still eating honey as there has been hardly any necter flow here yet.  Today is cold and rain all day. No foraging agan.  Next few days look better.  Sweeter days ahead!
I bee a firefighter.


Hey Dan, I'm also a New Bee in L.G.  I hived mine 2 weeks ago and for the way the weather has been I'm happy with what I see.  When the sun is out they are working.  I checked them out yesterday and found lots of larvae and some capped brood so things seem to be progressing.  I would guess they have comb on at least part of 5 frames in each hive.  Sunshine tomorrow!  Yipee!  I am in Linn township on the N. side of the lake.  Where are you? :)


Hello gguidester; Niceto have someone close. I'm in Bloomfield south of L.G.