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Started by DayValleyDahlias, May 12, 2008, 09:51:48 PM

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Just before I left on my trip, I placed the swarm hive atop a newspaper between the strong hive, I haveit some syrup and opened the lid a bit...I am going to check it tomorrow.

Dear Friends, what should I see as signs of success?



I think you should look for shredded paper at the entrance.  If they have shredded the paper they are taking care of business and all is well.


yeh, like Jimmyo said, Look for the shredded paper....Its looks like gray dryer lint kind of.
I did the same thing, remember?...I'm fixin to go in the hive and take the rest of the paper out tomorrow or the next day. I've been to busy mowing and watching the REDSOX recently to get it done...I dont think its really necessary to clean the rest of the paper out but it looks cleaner.
Hope you had a good trip! :)
your friend,


I quickly went and lifted the swarm hive off the primary hive and saw that newspaper was definitely shredded!  I am going to close the top entrance of the swarm hive so hopefully that will move them down to the bottom box where they can join the other bees?


  If the paper is shredded then the bees are joined together as one hive now. You can do whatever you would do to any other hive.