Storing burr comb

Started by _Brenda_, May 17, 2008, 05:23:00 PM

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I only have 1 hive and am just starting to scrape off burr comb. I'd like to store it until I get enough to melt. Does it need to be stored in a container that has ventilation or will it be ok to keep in a closed plastic container?
It had some nectar in it and I don't want it to mold.

Pond Creek Farm

Couldn't you freeze it until you had enough to render?


I keep mine in a coffee can with a lid. When I get enough I melt it down in an old pot with water. When it melts,most of the gunk and stuff falls out into the water and the wax flaots on top and hardens when the water cools.


I did not even know beeswax needed ventilation. I have all my dirty beeswax closed up in a tupperware until I melt it.


I didn't know if it needed ventilation either, annette.
I thought since it had some nectar on it, it could mold.
Freezing sounds ok.  Coffee can sounds good too.
Thanks everyone.
By the way, when I scraped off the burr comb, and saw it had some nectar in it, I had to taste it, and it was pretty darn sweet, fairly thick and sticky.
I can't wait to get some real honey.  :-D