Burr comb question

Started by Janemma, May 18, 2008, 05:31:02 PM

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If a hive is NOT building burr comb, does this matter?  Would this be a sign of anything?  I assumed all hives would build SOME burr comb.  Neither of my two hives have built ANY burr comb in their hives.  They are both drawing comb on their frames beautifully but NO burr comb anywhere.  Do I just have perfect bees (lol) that are very neat?  Or is it a sign of something else? 

Not a very important question....just curious......


Most times you will get burr comb when the bees have limited space.
No worry, there is nothing wrong with them not building burr comb.
Be proud.

Michael Bush

Some of it is how crowded they are.  Some is bee space.  Some is genetics.  Under the right circumstances with the right genetics and not letting them get too crowded, you might not get any for a while...
My website:  bushfarms.com/bees.htm en espanol: bushfarms.com/es_bees.htm  auf deutsche: bushfarms.com/de_bees.htm  em portugues:  bushfarms.com/pt_bees.htm
My book:  ThePracticalBeekeeper.com
"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin


I just posted a reply about me not finding my queens.....I got burr comb going every which way!!...I clean it, they build it! :'(...As a matter of fact, cleaning burr comb the first year ( laST SUMMER)) is how I got my first honey!...About 18 lbs of it!!...Its also how I came to eating a few bee larvas. I learned later that my cause of burr comb was because I only put 9 frames in my boxes instead of 10...I didnt know about the correct number of frames that went into brood boxes...I read about 9 somewhere, so i got metal spacers that were for 9 frames, and thats how I set up all my boxes last spring. I have two hives this year that I did with 10 frames and they are even half as burred up as last years first two packaged hives.
So, I guess you're doing something right!.......My frames dont "Just slide out" as they do for other people in bee videos. I gotta cut the combs usually to get mine out! :?

your friend,


Quote from: johnnybigfish on May 18, 2008, 11:39:19 PM
..I didnt know about the correct number of frames that went into brood boxes...I read about 9 somewhere, so i got metal spacers that were for 9 frames, and thats how I set up all my boxes last spring. I have two hives this year that I did with 10 frames and they are even half as burred up as last years first two packaged hives.
So, I guess you're doing something right!......

Ha and here I was thinking I was doing it wrong!  I had read you were supposed to only have 9 in too - to leave room for the Queen cage!  So I assumed you were supposed to have that extra space and I assumed you were supposed to get burr comb - like it was a MUST!!! 

I think I'm learning slowly that the books aren't always right though ;) and the 'experts' as in real life with doctors etc etc, aren't always right too ;)

I'm so glad I found these forums!!!  ;)

Thanks everyone!

PS John I had no idea you had only started beekeeping last year!!!  How come you don't post much about your bees on your blog!!????


Good question......
I'm so consumed by fishing I can barely work on my blog..As you can see there are big time spaces in my blog recently.
But,...my boats is broke for awhile  :?...The fish are biting like crazy too!
So, just for you, I'll post something tonight! About my BEES! :)
I used to think I could only devote myself to 1 hobby at a time. I guess in the last year(hmmm...since beekeeping) I've come to realize I can do more things at the same time.
So, I'm beekeeping, fishing, and taking pictures! :-D.....Maybe this is something I've learned because I turned fifty..You hear some people say,"What age made you take notice of your life?"....Well, fifty has done it to me :(....Bees and fifty ..Beeing fifty has kinda shook me up a little...I mean, I;m not terrified or anything like that, Its just that I know for sure now that time IS flying by!...And every day means I have less control over "Pulling this one off"!
ok,...gotta go to work!
your friend,