Pesticide for ground wasps

Started by josbees, May 20, 2008, 11:20:35 AM

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We have a big problem with ground wasps.  They are entrenched all along the dirt edges of our driveway, which is about 50 feet long.  Last year my husband put down a pesticide called Granular Sevin and it seemed to take care of them.  You put the powder in their nest entrance and the rain carries it down.  This year they are back with a vengeance and he wants to use the same treatment.  I've asked him to hold off till I can find out if this might be a problem for my bees, who live in their hives about 75 feet away.  There are no flowers in the waspy area, so I doubt the bees would hang out over there, but I just want to make sure.  Any advice would be helpful, thanks you all.