Medium to Deep & Regression Status

Started by Pond Creek Farm, May 21, 2008, 11:42:24 PM

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Pond Creek Farm

I have two packages of small cell that I installed on deep.  I am transitioning to medium now rather than tryingo to fight it later.  Went to the hives today and got seven frames of medium into one and four into the other.  The hive with the slatted rack along with a SBB seems to be more vigorous in its drawing of comb.  I found the queen in one, but evidence of queens in both in the form of uncapped brood.  I took off the hive top feeders and am allowing them to gather nectar on their own.  All seems well with both given that they have been in the hive only two weeks tomorrow.

Our existing hive is in the process of regression on HSC (deeps).  That hive is giving me concern.  The lower deep has four frames of HSC and the rest in wooden large cell drawn comb (chocked full of honey and capped brood).  They do not seem to like the HSC in the lower deep.  The upper deep has one frame about 1/2 full of capped brood.  I did not see the queen and did not see, (but could not due to time check all frames) any uncapped brood.  I am going back for a full, in depth, inspection on Monday afternoon. Incidentally, the hive was making quite a buzz and was more agressive than I am used to seeing them.  This gives me concern for queenlessness given the descriptions of the condition on this forum.  This hive also had scads of queen cells a few weeks ago, and none when I went back today.  MOnday should be interesting, and I may be writing again to ask about requeening.  I am curious about whether requeening is a good opportunity to simply shake the hive down onto cut down HSC to rapidly regress them and move into medium at the same time.  I am hopeful not to be faced with this question, however, and would like to have them pull through.