
Started by Anonymous, December 17, 2004, 01:22:21 PM

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:cry: Fools are called a bee recovery team  :( . Maybe they should think about removing their head from the sand and learn some thing.
:cry:  :cry:  :cry:  23 million bees died because they sprayed them with soap and water to calm them. I could have told them even before I started keeping bees that soap and water is one of the best insect killers used by organic gardners.
such a shame so many bees had to died be cause of the lack of common knolage.
:D Al


Quote from: trail twister23 million bees died  :D Al

Where? :shock:

One hive has 50 - 70 000 bees.  

23 M = 330- 460  hives  :shock:

How much they needed soap?


I would suspect the press got the quote mixed up. I can't believe there was any mistake about the calming nature of soapy water. Dispatch the bees to get the mess cleaned up and traffic going again.

I read one report that the truck that tipped over in Las Vegas was carrying 480 hives, so the 23 M number was probably pretty close.



AH so Let's  hope that indemnity handles the rest.

23 million bees may rest in peace!


Quote from: beesharpI would suspect the press got the quote mixed up. I can't believe there was any mistake about the calming nature of soapy water. Dispatch the bees to get the mess cleaned up and traffic going again.

I read one report that the truck that tipped over in Las Vegas was carrying 480 hives, so the 23 M number was probably pretty close.


This is what I heard as well. I saw the story the night it first aired on local nbc station. Beekeepers were first called to re-capture the bees, but when they found out how long it would take to re-capture them, someone, I don't know who, decided they couldn't tie up that many state troopers and keep the highways closed ( it happened on an offramp ) because it would cost too much money and wasn't worth saving them! So, as I first heard it, they had the fire department hose them down with their fire hoses and killed them that way. I don't know how they would have gotten soapy water out to that location and dispensed it on that many bees, but maybe they figured out the logistics and did it that way in the end. In any event, a very sad ending to save a buck! :cry:
By the rude bridge that arched the flood
Their flag to Aprils breeze unfurled
Here once the embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heard round the world


A good queen lays 2000 eggs every day at summet. Some weeks later bees will die, every day 2000 bees/hive.

During 2 months die 120 000 bees /hive

1,2 milj. bees per 10 hives during 2 months.

Horns Pure Honey

I was telling some people at school that are even frightened by bees and even they thaught it was wrong just to hose them down. bye
Ryan Horn


I understand there reasons for killing but I dont have to like it , they could have found another way, i wonder if insurance will cover the lost of bee's, equipment, honey, and money that would have been made with pollination in california.

Never be afraid to try something new.
Amateurs built the ark,
Professionals built the Titanic

Horns Pure Honey

I can see insurance on the cost of bees, the hives, the honey, and the truck but since they really dont know how much they would make do you think they will pay for that? bye
Ryan Horn


well since the bee's where killed the insurance company will try not to pay anything but if the beekeeper , well in this case with the way this happened the beekeeper will have to fight to get what he does , but i bet he can wright off his loses on taxes at the end of the year, that is lost income.

Never be afraid to try something new.
Amateurs built the ark,
Professionals built the Titanic

Horns Pure Honey

I hope the bee keeper can wright the wrong and get what is his. Some day I would like to own a large apiery and I wouldnt want that to hapeen to me or anyone else, that is a living.
Ryan Horn


If he hired a trucking company to move his bees, they will be responsible for the value of the load, no matter what it is, (like port-a-potties and all the chemicals there in).

The hives are rented for pollunation for so much per hive for the period of blooming. No problem figureing out the loss of income there. Would be hard to figure the loss of income from honey sales and other products. Probably would have to take an average of past years.

Then there is the time invested in the hives and what it will take to get back to where the bee keeper was, not to mention where he might have been had this not happened.
:rainbowflower:  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   :rainbowflower:


My pictures.Type in password;  youview

Horns Pure Honey

I know the person owning the bee company prob. has no problem of starting another 480 hives but I would be pretty darn angry off. But there is allways that chance that it will be you and you cant quit a company just becuase of a chance that may never happen. bye
Ryan Horn


Quote from: Jay
Quote from: beesharpI don't know how they would have gotten soapy water out to that location and dispensed it on that many bees, but maybe they figured out the logistics and did it that way in the end.  :cry:

Most fire trucks have a tank onboard that is full of a foam producing agent (basically soap) in order to fight oil fires. It smothers any liquid or chemical that floats and cannot be fought with just plain water. Therefore they would have a foam producing agent on the scene. Quite enough to kill a few million little bees.

Horns Pure Honey

My grandfather sells vehichels and bought a fire truck 4 years ago. It has a large tank that says on the labels it is mayed for a certain chemical it will foam when mixed with water and shot out of the pressurized nozzel. bye
Ryan Horn


Its really an interesting question as to what the beekeeper may expect as reimbursment from the transportation company.  Most companys ship LTL, which is less than truckload, and rates reflect their charges and the amounts the freight is insured for.  For example, a shipper negotiates a class 55 for his freight, and this reflects the companys liability in case of damage, as well as the per mile rate for hauling it.  The bill of lading is a binding contract, which the shipper claims his freight is class 55.. so their only insured for (just an example) 55 cents per pound.  In order to save money, they can cut their own throats quite easily.  Truckload traffic is certainly different, and a flatbed hauler moving bees might have something reflecting livestock rates.  750k is still a bunch of money and probably way out of the atmosphere when it comes to actual moneys recovered.


I thought this guy was just hauling his own hives on his own trailer!?! If that was the case, the only monies he can expect are the regular car insurance "accident" rates. Although I'm sure the insurance you need to haul a trailer like that with your truck is more than just the regular "car insurance".  Maybe there's something I'm missing here. I saw the story on the 11 o'clock news so I didn't read anything about a hauler. I did however see the huge mess and huge swarm of bees at the bottom of the ramp!
By the rude bridge that arched the flood
Their flag to Aprils breeze unfurled
Here once the embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heard round the world

Horns Pure Honey

Inever got to see the news but I checked out all the news sites and got the same info. I am shure they where hauling for a company. A company that big would not really be driving itself. The cost of paying drivers all year long plus insurance and such is alot higher than paying a trucker to do it for you. bye
Ryan Horn


Seems as though thef foamed them to death......check out owners responce :(  ,

Horns Pure Honey

Ryan Horn