Texas Honey Flow

Started by johnwm73, June 02, 2008, 11:19:02 PM

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Does anyone know when the honey flow is in north Texas? This is my first year and have heard the only flow is in May and June and after that there isn't another one. Is that true?


Good question John!
I'm in Wichita Falls. I havent got any honey yet and my hives hardly have any honey at all in the honey supers. The bees have stores of honey from last summer still, but I'm waiting for my part. Last summer I extracted honey 3 times. Then again, I fed them sugar syrup all summer. Maybe jerrymac can answer this. Hes from around this area. I think that bees will continue to gather up until the broomweed dries out, which is after the first freeze.( I never heard of brOomweed till laST YEAR...Now I know it and see it EVERYWHERE!)..The bees have made me learn lots of things I never even imagined!

your friend,


This is my first year. I have 2 brood boxes full on in hive and 7 of 10 frames full on the second. I hope to at least see some drawn wax on a frame or two in a super just to have it ready for next year. But from what I keep hearing my flow here stops in June and not sure if there will be a fall flow. I hope there is. I am north of Dallas by Lake Texoma.