Just wondering what the market is this time of the year.

Started by pdmattox, June 03, 2008, 09:52:12 PM

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What is it like in your area, are people still looking to buy bees?


Its late but a Good Nuc would still sell if it was in driving range.
Packages are still needed in this area.


I'm just waiting for my last two packages to arrive tommorow. I voted no but I suppose that there are still some late comers that could want a package or nuc or two. Most sellers are out for the year. Least that is what I found when I started to look for a couple extras late.
Each new day brings decisions,  these are  new branches on the tree of life.


If that article in BC was right, you could buy nucs at the end of July and still get them through the winter...he's in Michigan and splits to nucs with two frames of brood each. Seems that if you have the time to care for them, the end of July may be the limit.
"The mouth of a perfectly contented man is filled with beer." - Egyptian Proverb, 2200 BC


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To me it seems a little slower than last year. Not sure if demand is actually down.