My Second Inspection and SHB

Started by Amanda, June 06, 2008, 12:09:57 PM

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I just checked both of my hives.  They are now two weeks old!  I saw the queen in both of them which was very exciting because I wasn't able to find them last time.  It is amazing how much alike my hives are.  In both hives, the first frame had almost nothing, the second had some drawn comb and a little nectar in the center, the third frame had honey that they were starting to cap and eggs.  I found the queen on the fourth frame in each hive.  I thought that was a little weird.  The fourth frame had honey, pollen, capped brood, small larva, larger larva and eggs!  Everything looked great.  I don't have any experience, but I think the brood pattern is really good.  The only bad thing I saw was a couple black beetles.  I think they were hive beetles.  They were round and black, and they tried to hide when I pulled the frames out.  How did they find me so quickly!?  I think I'm going to add the second brood chamber on now because were leaving tomorrow for ten days.  I don't want them to get crowded.


The first round or 2 of emerging bees isn't going to crowd them up.  But if your useing wax foundation in your second box, they might chew up the bottoms.  I would just leave them be and check in when you get back.  Don't give them more room than they can manage.  I've never had to deal with hive beetles, but I would think keeping the quarters manageable by the bees would be important in limiting the hive beetle infestation.


It doesn't hurt to add the extra room on if it is just foundation.  As long as they can protect the comb that they are on.  If they need the room then they will move up.  If they only have 4 frames drawn out they won't need the extra room in 10 days.

The beetles may have arrived with the package/nuc or are just in the area.  Just squish them when you can.  Keep an eye on the hive, if you see little white worms, then you may have a problem.


Wes Sapp

I'd wait to add the second super until 8 of the 10 frames (or 6 of 8 if your using 8 frame equip.) are drawn out. If your in the southeast you'll probably have to deal with the small hive beetle at some time. A good defense for the SHB is a strong colony (that means not alot of open space in the hive) and drench the ground with Gard-Star that will break the reproductive cycle. Just stay ahead of them and you'll be ok.
Wes Sapp

Beaches Bee-Haven Apiary

You're right in the middle of SHB territory, so get used to seeing those pests during inspections. Just a few of them isn't a big deal, though. However, I wouldn't add the extra super untill you get back, not only to help the bees control the beetles, but also to keep the bees from building straight up and not out in the super.

-Nathanael 8-)


I think you're going to find that in Watkinsville, Georgia your in the heart of SHB Country.  Don't feel to bad, if your in the Heart, we're in the Soul.

Better get prepared for a long fight.  We are using everything we can get our hands on.  AJ's SHB Eaters, DE in Foamboard, Combat 12 Month Roach Traps wraped in #8 Hardware Cloth, and a couple of West SHB Traps.  And are just barely able to keep ahead of them.  No Larve yet, Knock on Wood.


Thanks everyone.  I only saw three beetles, so they're not a big problem yet.  I'd say six of the ten frames are almost completely drawn out and filled.  They have just barely started on the two on each end.  Should I add the other super now or wait till I come back?

Beaches Bee-Haven Apiary

If they've at least started drawing out the frames at the edge, I think it would be safe to add another super. I didn't have a problem with SHB my first year, even though they were present, they can be a big second year problem though. Are you feeding them sugar water?

-Nathanael 8-)