Got my chickens

Started by reinbeau, June 06, 2008, 08:57:37 PM

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Today I picked up my 15 new little girls

They're loud little buggers, we've got them in the spare bedroom, and they chirp like mad when I'm not in the room - my youngest son is going to kill me, he won't be able to sleep.  I don't know what else to do with them, I've got cats that need to be kept away from them.  They sleep with no problem, though!

- Ann, A Gardening Beek -  ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

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They are cute little things.  Too bad they didn't stay that way.


Holy cow they are SO cute!  And they are already playing marbles, how smart!


They do like those marbles, that's how I got them to drink, they pecked a bit and realized it was water  :lol:  I was worried about them making noise at night, but there's nary a peep coming out of them, the minute the sun went down they all settled right down.  They'll be up at the crack of dawn, no doubt, but that's not a problem, so are we.  Awful cute little buggers, I know they'll grow up, just like kittens, but I love cats - and I love chickens!

- Ann, A Gardening Beek -  ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

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They are so cute, hard to believe mine were ever that small.  I love the way they do "face plants" when they get tired just like puppys!  What kinds?  couple look like blk sex link. It's fun to give em something small that isn't their food, like bits of bread or dandylion..they will grab it & run around trying to keep it from the others  the chase is on! You'll have to let us know which is the best marble player!! :-D  Jody
I'm covered in Beeesssss!  Eddie Izzard


There are three Barred Rocks, three Buff Orpingtons, three Easter Eggers, three Rhode Island Reds and three Golden Laced Wyandottes.  At least that's what they told me they were!  :lol:  Actually I ordered them, the only substitution were the Orpingtons, and that was a happy thing, because they originally weren't on the ordering list, some guy ordered 25 and decided he didn't want them, so I took three instead of NH Reds.  I may go back and see if there are any other special orders that got screwed up!

- Ann, A Gardening Beek -  ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

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Ann, so cute, you're gonna love having chickens and you will be surprised at how quickly they grow.  Have a wonderful, great day, lovin' our life we live, Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


Thanx, Cin, you're right, they're adorable.  I've turned off their heat lamp, they don't need it at all, it's 90° right now at 10:30 am, it's gonna be a hot one today!  They seem find without the heat.  Hopefully they'll be ok for the next two days without it, it's supposed to cool down around Tuesday night to Wednesday, I'll turn it back on then if necessary.

- Ann, A Gardening Beek -  ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

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Have they done the "cannonball" thing yet?  They are so funny, will run around all bezerk then most will cluster in 1 place, then 1 will jump in the middle of the cluster like a kid doing a cannonball in the's so interesting to watch the interactions. It's so cute when they scratch just like real chix!  Make sure you handle em every day & give em little treats with a certain call.  That way when they are grown they will always come to you if you need em to.  Handy for easily moving the group reom where you DON'T want them.  Mine always end up squatting down like when a rooster is going to , well, you know..then I can just pick em up to move, check for mites..fix boo boos...whatever. Enjoy, they don't stay cute & fuzzy for long!   Jody
I'm covered in Beeesssss!  Eddie Izzard


I'm having a hard time with the handling thing.  They're terrified of me, and I know it.  I do try to pick them up and give them a little pat, then gently let them go, and I do use the same chick!chick!chick! call to them, but so far they're pretty scared of 'The Hand'.  I can't get into the brooder with them.  How do you 'make friends' with them? 

Also, what can I give them right now as treats, other than dandelions?  They don't really eat them, they just play keep-away with them so far. 

- Ann, A Gardening Beek -  ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

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Oh Ann,

What fun.  You can try giving them earwigs and sow is so much fun to watch them freak out bit at first, and then realize that it is crawling food...

Enjoy your babies..we love chickens too!


They are cute for a couple of weeks.  It doesn't last long.  Just a word of warning.  They make alot of dust and it will spead through the whole house.  It can trigger alergies. 


The stuff I have them on is called Woody Pet, and it's pretty dust free.  They won't be in here long, with this heat, I'll be able to brood them in the coop once hubby gets it predator proof.

- Ann, A Gardening Beek -  ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

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You just have to keep on handling them,  Most never enjoy being held, it's a natural fear as they are prey!  Try giving em bits of bread from your hand.  Soon they will learn the hand means goodies! After a bit they will try almost anything if it comes from your hand.  Try different things till you find out what floats their boats!!  Mine still squawk when I pick em up but do settle down after voicing their displeasure!  I let em loose in the yard today, they come running when I call bok bok chicken.  Isn't it cute when they play keep away?  Enjoy them  Jody
I'm covered in Beeesssss!  Eddie Izzard



For treats I've found that if you make a porridge (uncooked) mixing chick starter w/milk (I use milk kefir [sour milk]) they come tearing over every AM as well as the laying hens who get theirs outside the pen.


Cute buggers...

That brown one with the black patch on it's eye... looks like one of mine I've been trying to ID for 2 years now... do you know what he is?


Ann, the chickens will friendly right up, especially when they figure out that you are the bearer of good things.  Always have a little something for them.  Every morning when I let my hens, turkeys and ducks out, they get a bread treat.  They LOVE me, hee, hee.  As soon as they come out of their houses, they wait right at my feet, all at attention, until I throw that bread and man can they run, hee, hee.

My chickens and ducks (not so for the turkeys) are well trained (I am joking, it is the food thing).  But I can command them from all the way from my house down to their chickenyard.  That is about a 30 second walk, I would venture.  I call them, here......chick, chick, chick, chick, chick, (I think that is how many times I say their names), sometimes I go brawk, brawk, brawk, and that gets them running even faster!!!  It is funny to see them run  as fast as they possibly can, some even flying a little so they can get to the area faster, then they just stand and wait.

When they are out of their chickenyards and running around our places free, they will hear my Sister's voice.  Now that brings on another stream.  They know that she always throws good stuff off her porch to them, she doesn't even have to call them, all they have to do is hear her laugh and they are under her command, hee, hee. 

Oh, you gonna love the chickens, I am serious....there is never a dull moment, and you can sit and watch forever and never be bored for an instant, love your chickens, have that wonderful day, love life, love it all.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


Quote from: SgtMaj on June 13, 2008, 08:01:41 AM
Cute buggers...

That brown one with the black patch on it's eye... looks like one of mine I've been trying to ID for 2 years now... do you know what he is?

Well, hopefully she's a she, and that's one of the Americaunas, or Easter Eggers.  They're the ones that lay blue or green eggs.  Hopefully out of the three I'll get at least two colors!

- Ann, A Gardening Beek -  ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

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Quote from: reinbeau on June 13, 2008, 05:38:39 PMWell, hopefully she's a she, and that's one of the Americaunas, or Easter Eggers.  They're the ones that lay blue or green eggs.  Hopefully out of the three I'll get at least two colors!

Heh, sorry, I call mine a he because he grew up to look like a he, but I know he's a she because he lays eggs... even named him chucky because he kinda looked like a duck... chicken... duck... chuck... chucky.   :-D

Mine gives me white eggs.  I'll have to dig out some old pictures of him to compare his youth pics to yours.  I had ordered all winedottes with 2 buff orpingtons... and a few polish for a friend... got all except only one buff, and chucky instead of the second buff.  Still not really sure what Chucky is.

As far as befriending them goes... don't worry too much about it.  If you skip interacting with them for a couple weeks it's like you never even existed, then you have to start all over... but it only takes a couple days for them to warm up to you.  So don't fret too much about befriending them young.  Today my friendliest bird was the unfriendliest when they were young.