Hot bees?

Started by Rachel, June 08, 2008, 08:54:42 AM

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Hopefully my picture will show up.  We had a very hot day here in the Philadelphia suburbs.  It was over 95 degrees.  I went to visit the bees at around 8:30 pm.  My really good box  was looking REALLY weird.  It seemed like thousands of bees were outside and literally hanging off the box like a swarm.  Out of the 11 hives there, this was the only one doing this.  I have givien them plenty of room in the last few days, so what do you think they are doing?  I wouldn't be concerned if I at least saw one other hive doing this.


It's bearding, they do that when it's very warm. All those extra bodies in the hive generate more heat that has to be dissipated, so they just hang out on the outside instead. Nothing to worry about.
"The mouth of a perfectly contented man is filled with beer." - Egyptian Proverb, 2200 BC


Quote from: Moonshae on June 08, 2008, 09:09:40 AM
It's bearding, they do that when it's very warm. All those extra bodies in the hive generate more heat that has to be dissipated, so they just hang out on the outside instead. Nothing to worry about.

Yep, I agree with Moonshae, just bearding.

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Hi Rachel -

I am on the other side of Phila from you but it was no less hot here yesterday and we had the same thing last night until at least 1130 (I finally went to bed).

They were inside (and/or flying) this morning at 9 (I guess it was a balmy 86 then). I stuck a few shims under the outer cover per some other posts here to help improve circulation a bit. I expect they will be out again since we are headed back to a heat index of 103.

It was kind of cool to see them all hanging out there - reminded me of the days when I was a kid and we didn't have central air - the whole neighborhood would be outside just trying to catch a breeze. Same thing, I guess!

I am a newbee, too, and will tell you that I have been advised again and again to make sure there is water out for the bees ESPECIALLY in this kind of weather. It will help them cool off, too - just thought I'd pass along the advice.

- Jess


when its thios hot, pop ther top a little to help w/ temp. I just went out and put thumbtacks on all four corners so inner cover and telescoping lit is up an wee bit. A stick under inner cover in one corner works as does offsetting a super so a gap exists.
"The more complex the Mind, the Greater the need for the simplicity of Play".


Quote from: KONASDAD on June 08, 2008, 01:59:11 PM
when its thios hot, pop ther top a little to help w/ temp. I just went out and put thumbtacks on all four corners so inner cover and telescoping lit is up an wee bit. A stick under inner cover in one corner works as does offsetting a super so a gap exists.

It's been pretty hot here in the Houston area - nothing new, but I am a new beek and was thinking of propping my cover up with a thin stick.  Should I prop it up in the front so their top access is on the same side as their bottom entrance?  Or does it matter?


Yep..same here in Southwestern VA. I slid the supers back about an inch to help in ventilation but the bees are still bearding. However, they are very hard at work! I have ten 12-oz jars of honey from four frames so far. I will probably pull more frames tomorrow.


Thanks for all of the advice!  I'm going to pop the tops tomorrow.  It's going to be another hot one!!  They actually cancelled school for the kids!  Now that is crazy!


Quote from: Rachel on June 08, 2008, 10:43:23 PM
Thanks for all of the advice!  I'm going to pop the tops tomorrow.  It's going to be another hot one!!  They actually cancelled school for the kids!  Now that is crazy!

Look. while you're still setting things up and all, consider going to top entrances, I am, remember, heat rises, and in a hive I can see it rising up and out with a top entrance.

Brian Bray and Michael Bush just to point out a few names use them.

My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

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Hi all!

I live in the Northern New Jersey suburbs of NY city. Today was a hot day and my bees were bearding too! I saw them also gathering water at the bird feeder in my yard. I watered my garden and from a distant I sprayed the hive with my hose for like a split second. Thousands of them were slurping the water droplets and seemed very happy. I removed the entrance reducer and they fanned like crazy! I second all those who said it is normal.



"Brian Bray and Michael Bush just to point out a few names use them.


I agree! I am considering a top entrance too. Please go to Michael Bush website, I think he got some cool pictures on top entrances or how to make them. I think I saw some examples on his website!



Quote from: Rodni73 on June 08, 2008, 11:14:08 PM
"Brian Bray and Michael Bush just to point out a few names use them.


I agree! I am considering a top entrance too. Please go to Michael Bush website, I think he got some cool pictures on top entrances or how to make them. I think I saw some examples on his website!


My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

My website

Brian D. Bray

An easy top entrance is just putting a bottom board on top upside down--you can still use the entrance reducer also.
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