Gah! N-Butyric anhydride (Honey Robber, Bee Repel, etc.) melts plastic!

Started by Bill W., June 09, 2008, 08:28:50 PM

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Bill W.

I'm probably the last to know this, but the substance in Honey Robber, Bee Repel, and probably other fume products melts plastic.  I spilled some (a bee stung me on the back of the ear) when working by a (thankfully empty) hive box full of plastic foundation.  It ate right through it.

So, if you were unaware of this, you can now learn from my mistake and not melt your nice new plastic gear.


Sheesh!!!!!  I guess that stuff will chew through anything.

Note to self:  keep this crap away from Pierco plastic frames.


I didn't know that,, lol so your not the last, but now maybe I am.
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