Bee's and Garden Lights

Started by steveouk, June 14, 2008, 09:46:06 PM

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I put a solar powered garden light in front of my bee yard so that any neighbors would not walk into it . TO day as we where doing some wedding around it we found a very large number of dead bees around it in various different stages of decomposition.

I can only assume this is due to the night light and have promptly moved it, any one else come across this ?


Hi Steve!
Maybe toads are eating your bees at nite. I have more this year than I ever had(about 3) and i see them at nite in the lites along my trail and around my pet cemetery. The toads mite just sit there eating bees from the entrance, poop them out sort of whole, then eat more.
Roaches are my concern. Theyre in my top feeders like crazy!..Creepy sons a biscuits!!!
your friend,


   I don't know if it stops roaches, probably not, but I use FGMO and smear a film around the hive to keep out ants.  Works fine for me.

Sorry, forgot the question.  How long has the light been there?  How hot do the lights get?  They could very easily be dying during the evening of old age may also be a reason.
Everyone said it couldn't be done. But he with a chuckle replied, "I won't be one to say it is so, until I give it a try."  So he buckled right in with a trace of a grin.  If he had a worry he hid it and he started to sing as he tackled that thing that couldn't be done, and he did it.  (unknown)


I have to keep all lights around my house off at night or the bees kill themselves flying into the light.  If I allow my security lights in the backyard to be motion activated, it's a guarantee that bees will die all night.  I close the windows that face the backyard with blinds at night or the bees throw themselves against them, trying to go to the light.  Bees in my house die by throwing themselves into ceiling lights.

I feel quite sure that your solar light is killing the bees.

Linda T in Atlanta
"You never can tell with bees" - Winnie the Pooh

Click for Atlanta, Georgia Forecast" border="0" height="60" width="468


Quote from: tillie on June 15, 2008, 12:10:25 AM
I have to keep all lights around my house off at night or the bees kill themselves flying into the light.  If I allow my security lights in the backyard to be motion activated, it's a guarantee that bees will die all night.  I close the windows that face the backyard with blinds at night or the bees throw themselves against them, trying to go to the light.  Bees in my house die by throwing themselves into ceiling lights.

I feel quite sure that your solar light is killing the bees.

Linda T in Atlanta

What Linda said is very accurate, about 90% or more of the people who call me that have bees in their walls or ceiling, etc... also have them deposit near light sources, they will leave the hive and go to light and fly against the light all night until they die.

My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

My website


Ok you guys..I'm going off the path here for a second...Dont freak out! :-\
Anyways, with all this speaking of lites.....

So you all know how bugs are attracted to lites pretty much( 'cep for roaches...) Right?
It really hasnt been explained why they go to the lite, I suppose scientists can offer some explanations...I dont think its a "Food chain" thing either in most cases, except for spiders with their webs.
At any rate......
Think about this......Bugs dont go to church.....They dont read the Bible or any other holy books..They dont watch preachers on TV(heh heh, unless TV is the only lite in the area!)...But they DO go to the lite, right?...Kinda like they KNOW the lite is a safe place and its a good thing to do as far as they are concerned...To the bugs, going to the lite is a natural thing to do!
Now for the good part......
You know how people, when they have a death experience that lasts for awhile and the person comes back to life, how sometimes they say that they saw a "Bright Lite" and that they were drawn to it and that they wanted to go into it?..And ALL they wanted to do was to go into the lite?( Im not talking about like in "Poltergeist")
Now, isnt this a coincidence?
Bugs dont think like us people and try to rationalize whats happening with everything around them....They just kinda "Do it"... But, Perhaps, they have an insight of things we cant imagine. We can only see this kinda "Lite thing" when we are dead or almost dead and have only the basic thought of the essence of life going on in our mind(or spirit, I suppose)...And maybe, bugs see this all the time...They go through life sort of living in a "Spirit World" where we as humans can only do this once we've died.
I'm not trying to preach here...Im  sort of telling you what i thought about two years ago..A theory, kind of.
If you think of this awhile, one can almost grasp the possibility of all living things being connected by a "Higher Power" of some sort...I think of this as being connected to God where as some people may think of it as "energy" connections or some other "Higher something in Control".
Whatever this all means, maybe it means something and maybe its nonsense from some babbling fool ( ME  :-D )
Can ya "Get my Drift"??
I havent even tried salvia yet...Imagine the possibilities!! :)

your friend,


John i think you been out in the sun to long mate !


Bees are enlightened. Ask the Dalai Lama.

Ohm made padme ohm

On Pleasure
Kahlil Gibran
And to both, bee and flower, the giving and the receiving of pleasure is a need and an ecstasy.
People of Orphalese, be in your pleasures like the flowers and the bees.


I prefer to call it "Solar Radiation Exposure" Steve :)
your friend,


Jane, right?
Om Mani Padme Hum....
Yeh, see? I havent lost my mind :)
You see, sometimes I feel like I'm this close(holding thumb and index finger this far apart_______) to knowing the secret, then it gets away. I'm a Christian but that doesnt make me better than anybody. It offers me a different path to where and how I'm going to where I end up( Now THATS a mouthful!)
The bees have really opened my eyes to other pieces of life! They're like a living book, arent they!?
Ok,...I better go look around before i make someone crazy...I mean, just LOOK at the expression on Steveouks face! :shock:

Heh heh heh.....No offense Steve!! :)...Hey, where have you been for so long anyways?

your friend,


no offense taken John, love some of your posts. I have been very busy with work and the bees but mainly with work. The new baby is keeping us pretty busy as well


I occasionally get bees flying by my house lights 200 feet away .  If I shine a bright light at the hive then they will fly out at the light.  So I don't do that anymore  :roll:.

I think they just get lost and orient to the sun, or what looks to them like it.  If i shine a light into my observation hive the forager bees in the hive will go to the flashlight.  A tiny brain like that is easily confused.



Quote from: eri on June 15, 2008, 08:39:12 PM
Bees are enlightened. Ask the Dalai Lama.

Ohm made padme ohm

What does the Dalai Lama say about bees?? Just curious.


This is from the Wikipeida entry:

With the late Rick Fields, Cutillo translated The Turquoise Bee. These were the Lovesongs of the Sixth Dalai Lama (Tsangyang Gyatso). The book was published by HarperSanFrancisco (HarperCollins 1994) and is out-of-print [you can get it at Amazon].

From the back cover:

"Deceptively simple and unadorned, the poems and love songs of Tibet's Sixth Dalai Lama (1683-1706) express the inner life of a legendary spiritual leader. Eloquently set in historical context, astutely translated, and beautifully illustrated, these sixty-seven poems articulate the mysteries, struggles, and joys of spiritual and sensual life with enduring reverence."[8]
From Whole Earth Review by Hacsi Horvath (Summer 1995)

"The Sixth Dalai Lama of eighteenth-century Tibet was a great tantric adept. He used to party all night in Lhasa's brothels and bars, then sneak back to the Potala palace before sunrise to perform his official duties. After a while the Sixth Dalai Lama even renounced his monastic vows and lived like a layman, getting drunk with his friends, singing songs and having fun, but maintaining his holy role as incarnation of Avalokitesvara, the Bodhisattva of Campassion. The Sixth Dalai Lama is still a beloved figure among Tibetans, not only for these anecdotes, but for his poems and spiritual teachings.
"His songs are sparse and fresh. Rick Fields' and Brian Cutillo's translation is manly and true. Mayumi Oda's drawings are sublime."[9]
Included are the poems:

"A flower withers in a month's time.
But the turquoise bee doesn't grieve.
At the ending of an affair
I will not grieve either."
On Pleasure
Kahlil Gibran
And to both, bee and flower, the giving and the receiving of pleasure is a need and an ecstasy.
People of Orphalese, be in your pleasures like the flowers and the bees.
