Started by fiveson, December 23, 2004, 12:44:39 AM

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Hi gang

I should know this from reading but its my first over wintering. I might have capped honey comes spring that hasnt been used by the girls. I also would expect with it being cold for so long that whats left will be crystalized (yes?). So my question is this:

Do I just leave it in place?
Will they uncap it and eat it instead of spring syrup?
Can I salvage any (or will it even be any good?)?
Since I am starting a second hive (boxed bees) should I put some or all in with the new hive to help feed them and get them started?



The Pleasures Of Love Lasts but a fleeting
But the pledges of life
Outlust a lifetime

(J Joyce)

Horns Pure Honey

I myself wouldnt eat it. They should uncap it and clean out the cells. Or I suppose you could use it in the new hive. bye
Ryan Horn



Yes you can just leave it in place and the girls will uncap and use it as needed. As for salvage, and whether it will be any good, they have found honey in tombs with Egyptian kings that is still good, honey lasts indefinitly when stored properly. The only reason not to use it for your own consumption would be if you medicated your hive with this honey in place. In that case you should not eat it. If it has crystalized it may be a challenge to extract, so the best thing might be to use it for the girls. Either in that hive or the new one in the spring. Good luck! :D
By the rude bridge that arched the flood
Their flag to Aprils breeze unfurled
Here once the embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heard round the world


Quote from: fivesonI might have capped honey comes spring that hasnt been used by the girls.
Do I just leave it in place?

You just wait, how much they have it left.  
It it is too much, it reduces egg area. You must take extra off.

When you give the third box, tear capping from frames and give 2 frames in the middle of larvas. Bees eat old honey and mix it to the new.  But if it comes new honey a lot from field, they cap it again. Wait something rainy days or so. If third box is full of foundations, it is good.

It takes a week to  clean old crystallized honey. If you help bees, spray or pour water on crystalls. Somethimes bees carry crystals out like rubbish. Water helps to handle crystals. Only trouble is that they carry valuable honey out.

I have handled with these method some hundred kilos. Just wait proper time.

If you see the bottom or in front of hive, it may be full of crystals. Give water on combs.

It is normal that you have winter honey or sugar in the hive. Just put in in the middle of larvas and bees will circulate it.