NEW HOME AND DALLAS's VISIT - and more!!!!!

Started by beemaster, June 19, 2008, 04:51:05 PM

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Here is FINALLY the week of our move to our new home - closing is tomorrow "Friday" around 2pm. But around 12:30 PDMATTOX (Dallas) arrives near me after flying in to Newark International Aiport - Dallas will stay 4 days and nights.

So he will be the second forum member to stay with us (first being Geoff from Australia) and on Saturday, me and my wife Tracey and Dallas are meeting the Buzzbees: Ken, Jen and Josh.

What a great two weeks off I'm going to have, remeeting Dallas, him and Tracey meeting and all of us meeting the Buzzbees :)

I'm having cable installed between 3-5pm Friday, so we won't be without Computer, forum, voice chat, phone and our NEW 47inch 1080P HDTV baby :)

This though is a fun/work trip - Besides moving, Dallas will work with me taking up our carpet so the harwood floor guy can give us a price to refinish the entire upper floor of our new bi-level.

We are getting all new living room and master bedroom furniture, the other 3 bedrooms will be furnished with our stuff we are moving. I'm busy all day disconnecting washers/dryers and dish washer too. Getting the list caught up for a short Friday move (the TV, small Love seat and a few chairs) just to have a good place to watch HDTV from on night one while drinking Long Island IceTeas.

We'll have 2 whole nights to enjoy the carpet before we tear it all up, at which time we move to the lower level, so the upper can be refished on the hardwood. Yep, lots of long island icetea :)

NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

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Good for you John! Does the new place have more room for your hives?