comb building

Started by GaryMinckler, June 22, 2008, 05:05:08 PM

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Did a bi-monthly inspection today.  My best package is doing great, but...bees were not building comb on the foundation but in sheets between frames.  This was mostly between two sets of frames.  Inoticed some frames weren't set tightly against each other.  Is this why?  It looked like comb built in a TBH.  Last year, my first year, I thought I may have been inspecting too much.  This year cut back on it some but think I've had a couple problems that could have been corrected with quicker action.  Am going back to more frequent inspections.


This is only my second year, but I have found that weekly inspections are necessary. These do not have to be full, pull each frame out and inspect type inspections, but a general peek into a few frames plus looking between the brood chambers and under the bottom one for queen cells, mites, SHB, etc, generally does the trick.


Ah thank you!!!  You've answered a question before I even asked it :)  I checked my hives yesterday and found the same thing - I had left them alone for two weeks this time - the longest I had left them and mine had done the same thing - we were fascinated and wondered why they ahd done that - now I know why!  Thanks!!!  :)


I think the frame spacing was the problem, not the frequency of your inspections. I've never inspected more frequently than every two weeks, and have not had any problems with the way the bees drew comb. Make sure your frames are tight together and centered as a group in the box, and you'll be fine. No need to inspect every week.
"The mouth of a perfectly contented man is filled with beer." - Egyptian Proverb, 2200 BC


Agreed. It's the spacing. But with a weekly check you can catch it before it gets too extensive. It's an easy fix...move the frames closer. If you wait too long, it gets difficult to make the corrections.


   I do an inspection of the bees every 10 to 12 days for a general peek for queen cells,mites, SHB, etc. And a fall inspection 2 to 3 times a year

             BEE HAPPY Jim 134 :)
"Tell me and I'll forget,show me and I may  remember,involve me and I'll understand"
        Chinese Proverb

"The farmer is the only man in our economy who buys everything at retail, sells everything at wholesale, and pays the freight both ways."
John F. Kennedy
Franklin County Beekeepers Association MA.


Ididn't think the frequency of inspections would have been the cause of the comb building, but I could have saved my bees wasted time and effort. Iwas hasty when I added the super and never checked the spacing.  I have to be more thorough.  Nonetheless I have two nice sheets of wax for a candle or two


My frames are evenly spaced and nice and tight in there - I use plastic frames and they are quite tight in there - In fact I can't actually space mine out in any way unless I remove one because of how big they are......I often worry they are too tight as often the comb looks squished when they go back in - it's never happened before until I left them this last time for two weeks.  I'm sure spacing can often be the issue but I don't think it was the issue where mine were concerned this time.