Should I keep feeding?

Started by Rodni73, June 26, 2008, 12:25:29 AM

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I installed my bees May 17th. in a month they consumed 4 gallons of sugar water. I took the top feeder off now for 4 days. Should I stop feeding them until the fall or should I place the top feeder again with another 2 gallons of sugar water. Last check up they have drawn up the deep brood and 5 out of 10 frames in the medium supper. The hive now is bristling with bees and they are foraging. Today I observed the hive for an hour and I do not see any bees bringing any pollen in. I guess just nectar. In addition they have consumed all my mega bees pollen substitute patties.

This is my first hive and first year. I have been keeping a detailed diary to learn as much as I can before I expand to 4 hives next spring. I am now reading a book called the XYZ of bee keeping and I am learning so so... Thus, my question for all the pro's should I keep feeding them?

Thank you


How much are they storing? If it looks like they're storing so much that there isn't enough space for the queen to lay, stop feeding. If there's plenty of room for brood, keep feeding until your second box is fully drawn.
"The mouth of a perfectly contented man is filled with beer." - Egyptian Proverb, 2200 BC


The flow is about to crash in NJ. Maybe another week IF we get rain. If your new hive is drawn all 20 frames you can stop feeding until late August.  Also be aware of mites. The mites are exploding this week and I will start my sugar shakes and harvest my honey this weekend if time permits. I will also use apigfuard on 2 of my hives that are showing signs of mite issues galore.If they still have frames to draw, start feeding again as there isn't sufficient flow for them to draw nice comb. As soon as clover dries up, flow is done in our state. Clover is burning up here in south jersey and you are about 10 days behind me w/ flow and flower bloom.
"The more complex the Mind, the Greater the need for the simplicity of Play".