Took off honey super and added back the feeder

Started by bizzybeehoney, June 26, 2008, 12:40:12 PM

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I inspected my hive yesterday and after 2 weeks nothing is happening in there.  (new colony, April 23 installed).  I also looked into the 2 brood boxes and in each one there are still 2 frames that have not been drawn out.

After reading a recent post on here about feeding.  I thought I would add the feeder back on till they had all of the frames drawn out. 

I seen that there has been a recent hatch and empty cells.

I am wondering, by feeding them sugar/water will they just fill up the empty cells, then the brood boxes become syrup bound?  Or do you think I am doing the right thing?

I don't want them to just fill up the empty cells and leave no place for the queen to lay eggs.


Swap the outside frames that are undrawn with the next frame in from each one. That will encourage them to draw those two frames. Keep an eye on how much they store, and you'll be ok feeding. Just cut them off for a bit if they start storing too much.
"The mouth of a perfectly contented man is filled with beer." - Egyptian Proverb, 2200 BC

Two Bees

Several of us in central NC are experiencing the same thing.  My bees did a bang up job of drawing out the frames in both deep hive bodies but have been in kind of a holding pattern as far as drawing out the honey super (third box).  Probably because I don't think there is a nectar flow right now.  At least not in Raleigh or Chapel Hill (east of you).  I'm not planning on any honey this year but I wanted to give the queen plenty of room if she needed it.  Hence the reason for the medium super.

I agree with Moonshae on the empty frames.  Just move them in a couple of frames and they should work them up.  I had the same issue and manipulated the frames to get a solid 20 frames filled with brood, honey, and pollen.

I'm still feeding a 1:1 syrup and the hives are taking about a gallon every three days.  Just like Moonshae said, I am checking the medium super but have not found any signs of them storing the syrup.  I believe they are feeding it to the brood and consuming it themselves.
"Don't know what I'd do without that boy......but I'm sure willin' to give it a try!"
J.D. Clampett commenting about Jethro Bodine.