Oh oh, Ohio Apiary law

Started by BlueEggFarmer, July 01, 2008, 04:34:19 PM

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I was putzin around the Ohio Department of Agriculture site to find rules pertaining to meat processing on the farm, got side tracked, and found the apiary rules. This one in particular is probably why I do not see too many beekeeping items at garage sales.

909.09 Permit necessary to transfer.

No person shall sell, offer for sale, give, offer to give, barter, or offer to barter any bees, honeycombs, or used beekeeping equipment without a permit from the director of agriculture. The permit, or a copy of it, shall accompany any such transfer of ownership. The director may refuse to issue the permit until he finds by inspection that any Africanized honey bees are eradicated from and any serious bee diseases are controlled or eradicated from the bees, honeycombs, or used beekeeping equipment.

This section does not apply to the transfer of ownership of honeycomb for human consumption.

Effective Date: 06-20-1994


Nothing wrong with that law, pretty much the same elsewhere, protects the Honeybee and Beekeepers, too.  :-D


Yeah, the idea is to get beeks into the inspection program.  I suspect that the permits are good for 6 months or a year - it might make sense to inspect bigger operations more frequently. 


I agree, it is a good law, but what I also read into it is,  someone who used to be a beekeeper 5 or 6 years ago , is not beekeeping now and has no bees , but wants to sell or give away their lightly used extractor still needs to have a permit to sell or give away this item.
So it is illegal then to accept an extractor that grampa might have kept in the garage for a decade or so unless he goes out and gets a permit to give it to you.  Would you turn him in?


I would think that by "equipment" it means hive equipment.  I can't see why they would worry about the sale of an extractor.  Besides here in Trumbull county, they only give our inspector a total budget of $1100.  So I doubt you will find undercover agents combing garage sales for used bee stuff.


 I wouldnt turn him in!
And, seeing this law written down should be an eye opener to most of us. I understand the reason behind this law, considering the bad bees or diseases which could be passed on.
Now, really tho,...How many of us have bought, sold, or given away bees or bee stuff illegally?
I HAVE! :-D..And I got some really good deals too!...Given out some really good deals also!
Did I ever tell about the time when I,.......uhhhhhhhh...
Oh, yeh....Sometimes my "Standards" arent held as high as other peoples...sorry...
Well, thats all I know about that! :)

your friend,


Yeah we really need those laws because we are too stupid to inspect and protect ourselves from bad things. I think most people that buy used stuff goes ahead and do what it takes to cleanse the stuff.
:rainbowflower:  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   :rainbowflower:


My pictures.Type in password;  youview


Uh ohhhhh......
Looky at what you've "Extracted" Blue egg!..A political issue in the forums again!
I bet we're gonna have at least a 20% reply rate on this one!
I'm a ------------ and I'm gonna vote for-----------!

heh heh..... ;)
your friend,