Help!! Sotheren Cal swarm.

Started by Anonymous, January 09, 2005, 10:12:03 AM

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Oh wonderous Bee Man....
I immediately thought of you when my friend sent me two photos of swarms of honeybees that are clinging under the eaves of her house seeking shelter from the torrential rains in So. California.

Is there any "advice" you could give her? She wants to of course, have them relocated but in the interim is terrified of them. She said the rains are killing them and it's breaking her heart. I have the photos of the swarms I'd like to forward to you. Can you give her any other suggestions other than the one I gave her to try to reach and find a bee keeper to "gather". I've tried to go back to the website you sent me but I think Boo cleaned out the "closet" and I cannot get back to that PM you had sent me in August, I think.

Would you pm me back with a response if you have one? I'll glady do all I can do to help her save these lil buzzers. Thanks!



My return reply

  Thank you for thinking of me when a bee problem arises. You did give your friend the best advice to search in the phone book for a bee keeper in the area. Also call the county extension agency, Untied States Deptment of Agculture{s/p??}  and ask about bee keepers in the area. Our local Newspaper also has a call list of area beekeepers who will remove swarms.
Those Honey bees will not normally harm a person unless they are pinched or feel that some thing is trying to steal there honey stores. But I also have never came across a swarm in rain storms with out shelter.
We do have a couple of members on the bee forum who are in California.
Your friend need not sign up as a member to post there. Just do a post with the question about some one in that area collecting the bees and give the location.

Also a older forum for bee keepers who might have a member in the area to help is

I found these members a bit less helpful for beginning beekeepers but there are still some that bend over back wards to help.
Not sure about being able to post with out being a member here so your friend might want to just contact the admin. and ask them to do the post of help in some way.
[email protected]

Oh ya I am not the beemaster that title belongs to John. I'm Just a moderator trail twister there.
Would you please let me know how things turn out?
Thank you
{:-) Al


Thanks SOOOO much for your info!  I forwarded it onto Janet.. hopefully GOOD resolve is on the horizon!

Attached are her "strays".....  I've asked her to keep us posted...  hopefully no mites or diseases are in these swarms and some happy collector wants them....

:) I'm requesting a location on this swarm from Linda.

:D Al


Wow, that looks like one big swarm!!  Sometimes local police departments also have names of local beekeepers who are willing to collect swarms. I know they do in my town! :D
By the rude bridge that arched the flood
Their flag to Aprils breeze unfurled
Here once the embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heard round the world


I forwarded you email to Janet for her info...  I know she's in the LA Area... but as to exactly what town... I'll just wait for her response.  You're my BEE ANGEL!  (Never been in a "bee rescue" mission before but it's an experience I'm learning from with the visits to the links you've sent!
Thanks Ol G..... youzdaBEST!

Here's the email response I got from Janet....  Not fully aware of where La Verne California is but as she states... close to the LA Fairgrounds.  
Thanks for your help as always!
I'll get her phone number should you get someone contacting you to take these sweeties home with them.

Hi Clammy!!
I live in La Verne near the LA county fair....

From the e mail I got they have moved under the homes eves now.

:D Al


Just have her give me a call I live in Hollywood I could help
kirk-0 3236469651
"It's not about Honey it's not about Money It's about SURVIVAL" Charles Martin Simmon


Have the gal call me I live in hollywood I could help kirk-o
3236469651 any time day or night
"It's not about Honey it's not about Money It's about SURVIVAL" Charles Martin Simmon


Thank You very much Kirk-o. I have forwarded you number to the lady. I hope you can save them and they are a top producer hive for you once the weather stablelizes.
I have been watching the news reports and is sure doesn't look good at all. Hope you and your hives are safe and doing well also.
Again Thank You  :)  :)  :)
:D Al


Hey Buddy I guess they have been there since new years.It broke the record for rain in 100 years hear Beverly hills got 20 inches in ten days
wow I'm going to get my stuff in the morning and I'm going to get them
in the afternoon. I'll let you know how it turns out
"It's not about Honey it's not about Money It's about SURVIVAL" Charles Martin Simmon


Yup I do believe you will probably have to requeen since most swarms are led by old queens but maybe it will be a good colony for you never the less.
Again thanks for helping out. Got to love how the long distance thing works out.
:D Al


All taken care of bees safe and sound
"It's not about Honey it's not about Money It's about SURVIVAL" Charles Martin Simmon


Thank You Kirk-o.  I am so impressed that 4 people spread out across the country could some how come together and save a colony of bees.

:) I for one would love to hear of just how you collected them. From the pictures it didn't appear as though they could be shook into a hive.
:) Any idea, now that you have seen them first hand about the amount of bees in the swarm?

Thank You again.
:D Al


Yeah! I'm glad to hear the girls are safe and sound.


Thank you Al and Kirk for helping my friend out with her swarm!  I KNEW Al was THE guy to call when the distressful news first was heard.  GOTTA LOVE nature related forums!  Who'd a THUNK IT?

Kirk... YUMMMMMMMMM locust blossoms for breakfast?!?!?!  You sure know how to pick the spot!  Thanks again!!!  Janet I'm certain is STILL on cloud nine as she was when she called me to let me know you were THERE!



Here is a good reason to give your location in your profile.
I know a swarm has to be fed at this time of year but you would even have to feed a package of bees you bought and at this time of year i would think you would be hard pressed to find a seller anyway.
:D Al


Hey guys this how I collected the bees
1 put the bottom board with one medium supper on theground 2 lift up pot with bees on it set on top of frames 3 spray sugar water on bees to reduce flying around and to give them something to eat. wait a few minutes, 4 take clean paint brush and brush them down into hive (queens like dark places) bees went in  place pollen patty on top of bees
put lid on 5 stuff nylons in entrance put in truck take to urban farms 6 fthursday morning add one empty full deep super add one gallon quail watering bottle full of syrup put on lid
done deal kirk-0
"It's not about Honey it's not about Money It's about SURVIVAL" Charles Martin Simmon


Thanks for the information Kirk-o. I had wondered about sweeping them into a container, If I were the one collecting them.
Also want to say thank you to all who were praying for a safe recovery of the swarm.
:lol:  :lol: I must say we all sure have that bee fever.
:D Al


"It's not about Honey it's not about Money It's about SURVIVAL" Charles Martin Simmon


Nice to live down in the bannana belt.  The only sign of bees around here are the dead ones being chucked out the entrance  when the temps moderate a bit.


Kirk-o glad to here the girls are doing well. I'll pass the information on to clammy. She is a funny lady as I had told her she was a insect world medal of honor winner. She wouldn't except the credit, said that went to you and I. Nothing would have gotten done if she hadn't contacted me to find some help.
I am still amazed at 4 people on the internet being able to save a swarm of bees.
 :D  Al