Yellow jackets

Started by TVaughan, January 31, 2005, 10:29:04 PM

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This year they were as bad as mites. Here's a bee that died, but took the other guy down with him. You can see the death lock on the yellow jacket's leg.


Great shot
If you do a search here there were several posts with yellow jacket traps plans posted here, very cheap to make.

The search feature here works very well and is prob underused.
"Lurch my good man,…what did you mean when you said just now that 'You've got better things to do than run my petty little errands'…….?"

Horns Pure Honey

That is a really good pic though, hope you have a better year this year, bye
Ryan Horn


They have been a menace here last season - more than I can remember for many years - said to be because of global warming and/or less chemicals being sprayed on farm crops.

Easy and cheap traps can be made by putting some beer and/or Coke (Found a good use for the stuff at last!) in a wine bottle and laying it at an angle (so rain doesn't get in and flood it).  Wasps love it, bees don't., so you won't drown any of our friends.  A weakness is that some wasps just use it as a drinking fountain, so I will be experimenting with some kind of one-way type reversed funnel in the neck of the bottle this year.